Volume 3 Issue 2 - 2021
What Do We Need to Know to Reduce Complications for Our Surgical Patients?
Infectious Diseases, General Practice, Nutrition, Acupuncture and Pain Management. Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, Franca, São Paulo, Brazil
*Corresponding Author: Huang Wei Ling, Infectious Diseases, General Practice, Nutrition, Acupuncture and Pain Management. Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, Franca, São Paulo, Brazil.
Received: June 25, 2021; Published: June 30, 2021
The author with her twenty-nine years of medical experience, having the opportunity to learn other points of view of Eastern and Western medicine, through this article, she wants to pass what she understands about this subject.
In one of the presentation, the author gave at 17th World Congress on Infection Prevention Control June 7-8, 2021, she showed that the majority of patients we are admitting to hospitals today are considered immunosuppressed and not immunocompetent as she showed in the article she wrote (2021) Are We Vaccinating Immunocompetent or Immunocompromised People for COVID 19? [1]
This article was based on the study she did from 2015 to 2020, analyzing a thousand patient’s chakras’ energy centers in her clinic in Brazil, and she demonstrates that more than 90% of patients are without energy in any of the chakras (that correspond to the five massive organs of traditional medicine Chinese). Every organ is responsible for the production of energy responsible for maintaining health and when patients are without energy, this means that the immunity of the patients are very low because energy is directly proportional to immunity. [2]
The risk of using drugs in high concentrations in our patients nowadays is a theme that the author is discussing in many articles written by her, explaining the reasons why the physician need to prescribe with caution in these days, as she showed in the publication she wrote (2021) entitled Why Medications Used Nowadays are Harmful to Our Health? and in the second article entitled Are the Medications that we are Prescribing to our Patients Harming them? [3, 4]
The author has been of some concern nowadays because most patients today are in a very low energy in the chakras’ energy centers and using this type of drugs (highly concentrated drugs) can lead to a greater reduction of this energy and can conduct to serious consequences such as the development of myocardial infarction, stroke uncontrolled diabetes, increased blood pressure, etc. All these situations she is explaining the formation of all these diseases, in the energy point of view in the article she wrote (2020), for example Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies as the Main Cause of Myocardial Infarction without Arterial Obstruction, among many others. [5, 6]
In a study presented by the author in the Global Summit on Microbiology and Virology on March 25-27, 2019 in Prague entitled How Many Resources Are Wasted in The Treatment of Nosocomial Infections and How Much Could We Save If They Were Completely Controlled?, she demonstrates that only 1/3 of hospital infections are controlled by hospital infection control programs today and that today, 2/3 of all hospital infections are still not controlled and the causes of this lack of control are not yet known by Western medicine’s reasoning. [7]
The author, through the use of the metaphor of the tree, representing the human being, says that hospital infection control today is done at the leaf level, at the superficial level and the other two thirds of hospital infections are still not controlled, caused by the energy imbalances at the root level of the tree, that Western medicine does not yet understand. This mechanism generating infections in the leaf level are caused by first, the energy imbalances in the root, that could be caused not inside the hospital but due to the energy imbalances that was presented by the patients before the admittance in the hospital and aggravate his energy imbalances situation depending on the type of medication he is receiving in the hospital, type of food, etc. The second reason is that the tree is receiving influences of the external pathogenic factors (Wind, Cold, Humidity, Dryness and Heat) that Western medicine still does not take into account and that are important factors for the beginning of the disease's formation and that are also to the formation of hospital infections. [8, 9]
Hospitals nowadays are getting colder but the physicians have a rationale to lower the temperature inside the hospital in order to control the growth of the bacteria microbes but at the same time, they are unaware of the effect of the Cold on the human being whose pathophysiology of influences of this Cold are very well explained in traditional Chinese medicine that Western medicine has not yet understood. [10, 11]
Therefore, mandatory imposition of so-called scientific considerations, after the implantation of Flexner report in all medical schools in the world (1913), only analyzing the part of the human being that is visible by the naked eyes and considers scientific only what he arrives and what they cannot see becomes unscientific, leads to a failures in the early diagnosis and treatment of the hospital prevention measures nowadays. [10, 12, 13]
The use of highly concentrated medicines in a hospital environment must be carried out in a very restricted way because any kind of medications such as antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antihypertensive, antidiabetogenic, antidepressant, anxiolytic, medicines to prevent thrombosis, medicines to induce sleep, and all medicines that are highly concentrates nowadays are in this group that could reduce the vital energy and, contrary of what the scientific medicine’s is saying, not only the use of antimicrobial medications can induce or aggravate the hospital infection incidence but the use of any kind of highly concentrated medications can induce a high percentage of hospital infection. [10]
According to the Arndt Shultz Law, created by two German scientists (1888), the use of highly concentrated drugs lead to the reduction of the vital energy as opposed to the use of highly diluted medication that can increase this vital energy. This law is used by the author in all her articles to explain the influences in the energy when physician is prescribing this kinds of medications because we usually cannot see this effects in the human body, but we can know that the complications after receiving this kinds of medications can happen, for example in the article written by the author (2020) entitled Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies as the Cause of Dyspnea Post COVID-19 Treatment and in the article she wrote (2021) entitled Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies as the Cause of Fatigue Post SARS-CoV-2 Infection Patients Treatment. [14-16]
All these energy alterations are producing complications in the patients during their admittance in the hospital, leading to other energy imbalances that is producing symptoms simulating an infection and the physician will understand that this alteration is an infection, and the patient will be submitted again to another antibiotics and a vicious cycle will produce and it will be interpreted as antimicrobial resistance, but in fact, it is caused by this energy deficiency with formation of internal Heat. This situation the author showed in the article she wrote (2018) entitled Could Postsurgical Nosocomial Cellulitis Be Treated without the Use of Antibiotics? and in another article written by her (2018) entitled Can Hospital Osteomyelitis Be Treated Without the Use of Antibiotics?. [17, 18]
For this reason, the author is emphasizing the need to reduce any kind of high concentrated medications in the hospital environment nowadays, due to this new energy pattern that the human being is having, demonstrated in the article written by her (2021) entitled Energy Alterations and Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies and Propensity to SARS-CoV-2 Infection and in another article also written by her (2021) entitled Is the Population in the World the Same as in the Past?. [19, 20]
Highly concentrated medications should be restricted to those patients in which there is no other way to save the patient's life, but if the physician have the condition to medicate the patient with highly diluted medications to replenish the energy of this patient who is already in the very low, this procedure will increase the energy level of this patient and will prevent the formation of many complications (thrombosis, infections, hyperglycemia, hypertension, myocardial infarction, etc), as the author demonstrated in all her publications in this field or even can lead to death of this patient, as showed in the Arndt Shultz Law. [5, 6, 10, 16, 17]
In the article written by Huovinen (1998) entitled Control of antimicrobial resistance: time for action, he is saying that there is the necessity of strict antimicrobial policy in the experts’ hands to prevent hospital infections. [21]
But during all these years of experience she comes to the conclusion that not only antibiotics lead to training of more infection but all highly concentrated drugs they can generate energy changes leading to the formation of more internal Heat and the formation of symptoms similar to an infection and being misinterpreted as an infection caused by bacteria but are often symptoms generated by the energy imbalance generated by the patient's own medicine and that the author often demonstrates that this infectious symptoms are usually considered hospital. They are very well treated only using rebalance of the energy that was unbalanced or with the wrong diet or with the wrong type of medication or by the imbalance that the patient already had had before the admittance in the hospital, combining these symptoms of infection with other complications and in several studies that the author describes and developed, as she (2019) wrote another article entitled Is it Possible to Treat Community-Acquired and Nosocomial Infections with the Same Method Without the Use of Antibiotics?? In this article, she is demonstrating that in community and also, in the hospital infections, what the patients has is only energy imbalances generated by wrong eating habits and other factors. The correction of all these coefficient (diet, influences of the external pathogenic factors and emotions) can improve all these infections symptoms even without the use of antibiotics as the author demonstrated in many other articles. [17, 22]
The author emphasizes the need to replenish the energy of these patients to reduce the complications in the hospital because as she showed in her article Are We Vaccinating Immunocompetent or Immunocompromised People for COVID 19? and also, to reduce the side effects of the use of highly concentrated medications. In this article, the author describes that more than 90% of patients analyzed between 2015 and 2020 are without an internal energy in the chakras’ energy centers that are responsible for the production of Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood. [2]
According to traditional Chinese medicine, lack of energy generates internal Heat formation, which are energy imbalances that lead to symptoms of hospital infection. [10]
The author is writing these few lines to demonstrate to the doctors and surgeons who need to perform elective surgeries that most patients in whom they will have surgery, it is likely that they already have a lack of internal energy and that if a patient is undergoing elective surgery, he may have time to prepare this patient before the surgery, restore in this lack of energy that you feel by chance they are having, so that they would be more strengthened and generating fewer complications such as thrombosis, infection, myocardial infarction and another type of complications and reducing all these complications that may have after surgery, it will reduce dramatically the costs of assistance. As the author showed in her presentation in Global Summit on Microbiology and Virology on March 25-27, 2019 in Prague, entitled How Many Resources Are Wasted in The Treatment of Nosocomial Infections and How Much Could We Save If They Were Completely Controlled?, we can reduce the costs in the treatment of all this infections (20 million dollars per year) only in United States. [7]
With regard to the air conditioning use in the surgical ward, the ideal is the room temperature and not Cold and the patient needs to be adequately covered during this surgical act so as not to receive interference from these external pathogenic factors, which can cause infections, especially in the upper airways. [10, 11]
Another factor that the author questions are the interferences of the temperature of the water that patients ingest within the hospital environment because the cold water that is often served to patients in the room in any hospital environment can generate energy imbalances leading to later the formation of internal Heat leading to infection symptoms in the surgical sites increased yellowish pulmonary secretion etc. [10, 17]
The food to be served within the hospital environment can induce energy imbalances leading to formation of symptoms of hospital infection. One of the causes of formation of secretion is the ingestion of cow's milk, raw foods (fruits and vegetables) and Cold water being erroneously interpreted as the beginning of a hospital infection and fatally the doctor can start the process of prescribing another antimicrobial. Only with few changes in the diet orientating to avoid this raw food, the ingestion of cow's milk and Cold water leads to different evolutions of all these complications. [10, 17]
As said by Hippocrates, make your medicine your food and your food your medicine. [23]
The profound change in the energy pattern of our patients has caused many problems for all of us before and during our hospital stay. If the physician take all possible measures to avoid a major drop in energy during the patient's hospital stay, it will result in a hospitalization with less complications and reduction in cost levels because a complicated patient usually increases his hospital stay and several days and we could be handing over this money that would be used for the improvements of all hospital department. [10, 17]
The way of thinking and reasoning that all physicians nowadays learned from their medical schools can lead to an increase in infectious and non-infectious complications in our patients due to rules found in the past, such as the implementation of the Flexner report in 1913 in which the physician would only consider something that is demonstrated at the laboratory or radiological level to be scientific. [12, 13]
Another physics called Capra (1975) said in his book Tao of Physics in which he compares all the points of view of Western and Eastern Medicine and says that everything that exists in the universe is made of energy including and the human being. So everything that we do not know about the functioning of the human being at the energy level should be included nowadays in the medical reasoning to try to explain how diseases are formed from the beginning and for the most effective prevention and treatment of these infections and non- infectious diseases even before leading to laboratory and radiological changes. [24]
The use of highly diluted medications to replenish the energy of our patients is described in the article written by the author (2020) entitled Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Tradition al Chinese Medicine. [25]
The author would like to thank the Journal of Medicine and Surgical Sciences for this opportunity to share some new ideas about how to prevent complications in surgical patients nowadays with doctors from all over the world.
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Citation: Huang Wei Ling. (2021). “What Do We Need to Know to Reduce Complications for Our Surgical Patients?” Journal of Medicine and Surgical Sciences 3.2.
Copyright: © 2021 Huang Wei Ling. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.