Research Article
Volume 3 Issue 2 - 2021
The origins, Nature, and Constitution of Consciousness in Material Worlds
West Virginia State University, the Mocombeian Foundation, Inc. Florida, USA
*Corresponding Author: Paul C. Mocombe, West Virginia State University, the Mocombeian Foundation, Inc. Florida, USA.
Received: December 07, 2021; Published: December 16, 2021
This article outlines the origins, nature, and constitution of consciousness in material worlds within Mocombe’s (2016, 2019) general theory of phenomenological structuralism. The work highlights the equation, the Garyian consciousness wave equation, Φ=10?15 eV(4) ± f(0), for individual consciousness within Mocombe’s consciousness field theory and phenomenological structuralism, which posits that consciousness is a fifth force of nature. Individual consciousness, from this perspective, is a resonating channel or station on the earth’s Schumann wave that is connected to the absolute vacuum, i.e., nonlocal space where all the elementary particles exist in a cosmic soup as a probability wavefunction, which transmits consciousness to the brain via an elementary particle, psychion, operating in concert with electromagnetism. From there, consciousness becomes a permanent aspect of the multiverse the informational content of which emerges from four sources, i.e., impulses or drives of the elementary particle, the physiological drives of the body and brain, structural reproduction and differentiation related to the mode of production, and the ability to defer meaning in ego-centered communicative discourse.
Background of the Problem
Consciousness here refers to subjective awareness of phenomenal experiences, qualia, (ideology, language, self, feelings, choice, control of voluntary behavior, thoughts, etc.) of internal and external worlds (Chalmers, 1996; Hameroff & Penrose, 2014; Mocombe, 2021, 2021a). The academic (scientific) literature “describes three possibilities regarding the origin and place of consciousness in the universe: (A) as an emergent property of complex brain neuronal computation, (B) as spiritual quality of the universe, distinct from purely physical actions, and (C) as composed of discrete ‘proto-conscious’ events acting in accordance with physical laws not yet fully understood” (Hameroff & Penrose, 2014, p. 70). The former, (A), emphasize the laws of classical physics to posit consciousness as the by-product of the neural correlates of the physical substrates of the material brain (Chalmers, 1996). The latter two (B and C) are post-materialist approaches to understanding consciousness, which emphasize the emergence of consciousness as an external phenomenon that exists outside of the physical substrates of the brain either in the form of panpsychism or cosmopsychism/panspiritism. Both post-materialist perspectives use the concepts and theories of quantum mechanics to either complete the materialism of the (A) camp, i.e., the (C) camp, or to ground fourteen paranormal and parapsychological (near-death experiences, telepathy, telekinesis, out-of-body experiences, physic mediumship, etc.) empirical data as proof for the external nature of consciousness, i.e., the (B) camp, which is received by the brain (Chalmers, 1996; van Lommel, 2010; Mocombe, 2021, 2021a).
All three positions are problematic in that they are unable to resolve the hard and binding problems of consciousness, however (Chalmers, 1996). In the materialist camp (A), they are unable to account for how the neural correlates of the physical substrates of the material brain bind to give us the phenomenal subjective experience of consciousness. Just the same, in the post-materialist camps (B and C), they are unable to account for either how consciousness in everything, panpsychism, emerges/combines, or decombines from a god or the cosmos, panspiritism and cosmopsychism, respectively, in the material brain to give rise to consciousness (van Lommel, 2010).
Mocombe’s (2019, 2021, 2021a) consciousness field theory (CFT), which is part of his larger theory of phenomenological structuralism, resolves the hard and binding problematics of all three camps by positing the origins and nature of consciousness to be an emergent fifth force of nature that is cycled and recycled throughout the multiverse as a resonating channel or station of and on a frequency wavelength via its embodied elementary particle, psychion, which has spin, mass, charge, and phenomenal properties, i.e., qualia. In this article, I highlight two things: 1) the origins, nature, and constitution of consciousness in material worlds; and 2) the equation (see Figure 6), what I am calling the Garyian consciousness wave equation, for individual consciousness within Mocombe’s consciousness field theory, which posits the claim that consciousness exists beyond life and does not originate from the physical substrates of the brain, which receives and facilitates consciousness in human beings as a resonating channel/station of, and on, the frequency wavelength of entangled and superimposed worlds, their Schumann waves, and their connections to the absolute vacuum (see Figures 3 and 4).
Theory and Method
In Mocombe’s (2016, 2019, 2021, 2021a) theory of phenomenological structuralism consciousness is an emergent (fifth) force of the universe, composed of an elementary particle, psychion, with mass, charge, spin (a boson with spin S=1), and phenomenal properties, qualia, that is received by the brain, from, or in, multiple, entangled, and superimposed local consciousness fields, Schumann waves, and integrated by its (the Brain’s) electromagnetic field as psychon to constitute mind, practical consciousness, and the self, as resonating channels or stations of, or on, frequency wavelengths, in material worlds of the multiverse (see Figure 5 for the elementary value of quantum energy for brain and Schumann waves) (Kozlowska and Kozlowski, 2016, p. 795). The phenomenal properties, qualia, of the psychions of a consciousness field, following matter disaggregation, disconnection as psychon from the Schumann waves, throughout the multiverse, either collapse, as a resonating channel or station of a frequency wavelength, upon other superimposed and entangled versions (wavelengths) of themselves throughout the multiverse, or are integrated, along with the other four forces (gravity, electromagnetism, and the weak and strong nuclear forces), in the absolute vacuum of a superverse to create (via quantum fluctuation, tunneling, and inflation) future beings with consciousness (the phenomenal properties of lived-experience in the form of qualia, informational content of subatomic particles, i.e., psychions). As such, the psychions of the consciousness field as psychons they are local and connected to (entangled) multiple superimposed worlds with, and through, Schumann waves; once assimilated in the absolute vacuum, they are psychions, the elementary particle of consciousness, an interconnected, endless, and nonlocal fifth force of nature, with qualia or phenomenal properties, which, initially, emerges following matter aggregation and disaggregation, disconnection from Schumann waves, in the multiverse. It (the psychions of the consciousness field) is an endless assimilation of all past, present, and future information (practical activities and memories) of beings of the multiverse cycled and recycled via the absolute vacuum (empty space in which elementary particles, quarks, and constituents of matter and forces of nature have become one), which fluctuates as a probability wave function, to give rise to entangled and superimposed worlds, each with their own Schumann waves and consciousness fields, which produce future beings with consciousness, an individualized resonating channel or station, psychion, on the frequency wavelength of the Schumann wave and the absolute vacuum (Mocombe, 2021, 2021a).
In Mocombe’s (2016, 2019, 2021, 2021a) theory of phenomenological structuralism consciousness is an emergent (fifth) force of the universe, composed of an elementary particle, psychion, with mass, charge, spin (a boson with spin S=1), and phenomenal properties, qualia, that is received by the brain, from, or in, multiple, entangled, and superimposed local consciousness fields, Schumann waves, and integrated by its (the Brain’s) electromagnetic field as psychon to constitute mind, practical consciousness, and the self, as resonating channels or stations of, or on, frequency wavelengths, in material worlds of the multiverse (see Figure 5 for the elementary value of quantum energy for brain and Schumann waves) (Kozlowska and Kozlowski, 2016, p. 795). The phenomenal properties, qualia, of the psychions of a consciousness field, following matter disaggregation, disconnection as psychon from the Schumann waves, throughout the multiverse, either collapse, as a resonating channel or station of a frequency wavelength, upon other superimposed and entangled versions (wavelengths) of themselves throughout the multiverse, or are integrated, along with the other four forces (gravity, electromagnetism, and the weak and strong nuclear forces), in the absolute vacuum of a superverse to create (via quantum fluctuation, tunneling, and inflation) future beings with consciousness (the phenomenal properties of lived-experience in the form of qualia, informational content of subatomic particles, i.e., psychions). As such, the psychions of the consciousness field as psychons they are local and connected to (entangled) multiple superimposed worlds with, and through, Schumann waves; once assimilated in the absolute vacuum, they are psychions, the elementary particle of consciousness, an interconnected, endless, and nonlocal fifth force of nature, with qualia or phenomenal properties, which, initially, emerges following matter aggregation and disaggregation, disconnection from Schumann waves, in the multiverse. It (the psychions of the consciousness field) is an endless assimilation of all past, present, and future information (practical activities and memories) of beings of the multiverse cycled and recycled via the absolute vacuum (empty space in which elementary particles, quarks, and constituents of matter and forces of nature have become one), which fluctuates as a probability wave function, to give rise to entangled and superimposed worlds, each with their own Schumann waves and consciousness fields, which produce future beings with consciousness, an individualized resonating channel or station, psychion, on the frequency wavelength of the Schumann wave and the absolute vacuum (Mocombe, 2021, 2021a).
As highlighted in Figure 7, the absolute vacuum is a fifth dimensional superverse or cosmic soup where all the elementary particles are one, and fluctuate, as a probability wavefunction, tunnel, and inflate to produce four dimensional spacetimes (multiverses) where consciousness emerges as individuated psychonic fields or resonating channels/stations produced by the firing of neurons in the brain where the elementary particle, psychion, of consciousness are embodied and tied to the frequency wavelength of Schumann waves of entangled and superimposed worlds, which are tied to the oscillating frequency wavelength of the absolute vacuum, which transmits the signal of phenomenal subjective consciousness to the psychions. Each individual consciousness has their own resonating psychionic channel or station on the frequency wavelength of the earth’s Schumann wave, which is tied to the frequency wavelength of the absolute vacuum, which transmits phenomenal consciousness to the psychionic channel (see Figure 4). Figure 6, the Garyian equation, represents the equation of, and for, individual consciousness: phi Φ is the symbol for consciousness; 10?15 eV(4), adopted from Kozlowska and Kozlowski, the formula represents the elementary value of quantum energy for brain and Schumann waves (see Figure 5); f(0), represents the resonating psychionic channel or station of individual phenomenal consciousness received from the absolute vacuum. The absolute vacuum houses and incorporates, as phenomenal property, qualia, all of the past, present, and future, lived experiences of all individual consciousnesses as a fifth force of nature and resonating frequency wavelength, which is transmitted to, Schumann waves of entangled and superimposed multiworlds, and received by, in human beings, the material brain, brainstem, and central nervous system.
In Mocombe’s (2016, 2019, 2021, 2021a) physics and metaphysics, quantum superposition, entanglement, wave-function realism, and evidence in Haitian Vodou of spirit possession, which represent ancestors from a parallel world, Vilokan, of the earth’s of which we ought to pattern our behaviors and structures, are grounding proofs for the acceptance of the multiple worlds hypothesis of quantum mechanics. Within the latter hypothesis, the understanding is that “each possibility in a superposition evolves to form its own universe, resulting in an infinite multitude of coexisting ‘parallel’ worlds. The stream of consciousness of the observer is supposed somehow to ‘split’, so that there is one in each of the worlds—at least in those worlds for which the observer remains alive and conscious. Each instance of the observer’s consciousness experiences a separate independent world, and is not directly aware of any of the other worlds” (Hameroff and Penrose, 2014, pg. 50) (see Figure 3). It is within this multiple world hypothesis, physics, that Mocombe constitutes the notion of consciousness in the universe according to his theory of phenomenological structuralism. For Mocombe, consciousness is an emergent fifth force of nature, a quantum material substance/energy, psychion, the phenomenal properties, qualia, of which are recycled/entangled/superimposed throughout the multiverse and becomes embodied via the neurons of brains. It (consciousness) is manifested in simultaneous, entangled, superimposed, and interconnecting material resource frameworks as embodied praxis or practical consciousness, which in-turn becomes the phenomenal properties, qualia, of material (subatomic particle energy, psychion) consciousness that is recycled/entangled/superimposed throughout the multiverses.
In other words, I adopt from the “membrane theory” model of Lisa Randall and Raman Sundrum (1999) the assertion, in keeping with the logic of Haitian Vodou, that there might be an additional dimension, i.e., the absolute vacuum or zero-point field, which exists as a probability wavefunction, on the cosmological scale, the scale described by general relativity, which gives rise to four dimensional multiverses within, or out of, it (see Figures 3 and 7). That is to say, our universe is embedded in a vastly bigger five-dimensional space (the four-dimensional space of relativity, plus a fifth dimension for the subatomic forces including consciousness), a kind of super-universe. Within this super-space, our universe is just one of a whole array of co-existing universes (Haitian Vodou only accounts for our universe and its parallel), each a separate four-dimensional bubble within a wider arena of five-dimensional space where consciousness (a subatomic force) is recycled/entangled/superimposed between the five-dimensional super-space, i.e., absolute vacuum, and its entangled and superimposed four-dimensional multiverses (see Figures 3 and 7).
The origins of consciousness within this phenomenal structural paradigm is emergent, and not the product of a supreme creator or god. For this position, I build on the mathematics of Richard Gauthier (2020) in his “univon multiverse hypothesis.” Unlike Gauthier, who holds on to God or a supreme creator (panspiritism) to account for the origins and nature of consciousness within the multiverse, I do not. According to Gauthier’s (2020) model, identical univon quantum particles, produced from a univon quantum field, created not only our universe but also many other identically fine-tuned universes in a multiverse. The univon, also called a cosmic quantum, is composed of a helically-circulating superluminal primordial information quantum (sprinq). [(The univon is the quantum particle of a conscious cosmic quantum field having both physical and mental potentialities. Quantum fields may be composed of cosmic ectoplasm or mind-stuff, which according to yoga philosophy is a subtle vibrational substance formed from consciousness by a cosmic creative power, that takes the form of objects within a cosmic mind)]. The physical [(and mind-stuff)] constants carried in the information content of each univon’s sprinq are exactly the same in all univons and in all sprinqs, though sprinqs express different fundamental particle attributes in different environments. The univon is radioactive. The decay of a univon into less energetic products is the starting point (t=0) of its created universe. The univon’s sprinq rapidly multiplies itself into different quantum fields and particles, leading very quickly to the early universe’s exponentially-rapid inflationary period and then to the Big Bang, which produces abundant relic dark matter particles of the universe as well as the less abundant ordinary matter. Univons made many other [(entangling)] equally fine-tuned universes with identical fundamental forces and constants…. (pgs. 1-3).
In my model, which differs in language and the need for a “cosmic mind,” the “univon” is the cosmological scale described by Einstein constituted by the forces, constants, particles, etc., sprinqs in Gauthier’s hypothesis and phenomenal properties or qualia in my model, of the multiverses, with gravity and the psychionic force of consciousness emergent forces following matter aggregation, evolution, and disaggregation, which give rise to inflation, big bangs, and additional (entangled) universes with similar informational (physical and mental) content. Hence, the mathematics for both models are the same as seen in Figures 1 and 2, which is adopted from Gauthier (2020). I tie this model to Mocombe’s notion of the absolute vacuum and structuration theory, phenomenological structuralism, to explain the emergence and constitution of consciousness and minds in the multiverses.
Hence for Mocombe, the consciousness field, and its elementary particle, psychion, emerged separately from the first four forces (gravity, electromagnetism, the strong and weak nuclear forces) of nature, the subatomic particles of which fluctuated, inflated, and tunneled as a wave function from the absolute vacuum, the probability wave function where all the elementary particles were one at the beginning of the multiverse, to create an original universe or entangled and superimposed multiverse (see Figures 3 and 7). This original universe/multiverse, evolved and replicated itself, via “black holes (BHBBT),” and inflation, to create present and future replicas of itself, multiverses, which evolved to produce, entangled and similarly situated, organic and inorganic life whose initial experiences of the Schumann waves of superimposed worlds produced the qualia of the psychons that would constitute subatomic particles, psychions, of emerging consciousness fields connected to both the absolute vacuum and the Schumann waves as individuated resonating frequency channels/stations with phenomenal properties emerging from experience (see Figures 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5) (Anderson, 2020). In this Mocombeian view, consciousness is not fundamental; instead, it is an emergent (material) property of the multiverse, which is constituted and expressed, in the human sphere through subatomic particle aggregation, mode of production, language, ideology, ideological apparatuses, communicative discourse, and praxis (Mocombe, 2019).
In the human sphere, beings’ experience (sensation), via central nervous systems, brains, and brainstems, of aggregated matter created by the initial four forces of nature, via quantum fluctuation, tunneling, and inflation from the fifth dimension of the absolute vacuum, gives rise to qualia, emerging sensations of experience, that is encoded as information and memories in the subatomic elementary particle of consciousness, psychion, psychon once embodied, which creates consciousness fields given their connection, as psychonic waves, to entangled and superimposed Schumann waves of the multiverse created by the absolute vacuum. Mocombe argues that consciousness, early on (at the very beginning of the evolution of aggregate matter), emerges from the initial neuronal activities of the brainstem experiencing local material reality, which produces its first phenomenal essence, i.e., qualia, which is the effect of pleasure and unpleasure (Mocombe, 2021, 2021a). This initial essence, which produces other emerging essences (emergent essence), phenomenal experiences, qualia, via the brain, body, and the central nervous system, held together by the brain’s electromagnetic field, once constituted from experience of material realities with Schumann waves, is absorbed and recycled throughout a global consciousness field (cosmopsychism) created by the absolute vacuum, zero-point field, following matter disaggregation, of the multiverse to continuously produce beings with (local) consciousness, psychion/psychon, that have phenomenal properties or qualia, which becomes embodied in the physical substrates (neurons, dendrites, etc.) of the brain to facilitate consciousness, which can be impaired if the mechanical brain is damaged or under the influences of drugs, alcohol, etc. Hence neural correlates of the brain come to facilitate and act on consciousness, which following matter aggregation is a fifth force, psychion, of nature with phenomenal properties, mass, charge, and spin, resonating as an individuated channel or station of the material brain from the absolute vacuum or zero-point field in entangled and superimposed Schumann waves of material realities.
Following matter disaggregation across the multiverse, the elementary particle of consciousness, psychion, which has mass, charge, spin, and phenomenal properties, i.e., qualia, integrates into the absolute vacuum to give rise to future worlds with conscious beings. In this sense, Mocombe eliminates any spiritual elements, the (B) camp, regarding consciousness constitution for a strict materialist perspective, i.e., the (A) and (C) camps, which does not solely attributes consciousness to the mechanical brain, i.e., the neural correlates of consciousness; instead, the brain is a receiver and facilitator of consciousness, the subatomic particle, psychion, of which, once disconnected from the Schumann waves of entangled and superimposed multiple worlds, is recycled, replicated, entangled, and superimposed as psychon throughout the multiverse via neurons of the brain and its electromagnetic field (see Figure 4).
Consciousness, following matter disaggregation, in other words, became a permanent aspect of the multiverse, via the absolute vacuum, Cosmo psychism, and has emerged as a fifth force of nature that produces a field, a consciousness field, whose elementary particle, psychion, has mass, charge, spin, and phenomenal properties, i.e., qualia, that is subsequently received by aggregated matter with brains and central nervous systems via the resonance of the elementary particle of consciousness embodied, psychon (see Figure 4). The consciousness field is a classical field produced by accelerating psychionic charges that contain and transmit all the phenomenal properties, qualia, (as an individuating consciousness) of the absolute vacuum to the Schumann waves of material realities, and the psychonic waves of brains, brainstems, and central nervous systems connected to the latter, Schumann waves, which are connected to the former, absolute vacuum or zero-point field, as a resonating frequency wavelength channel or station with different amplitudes (see Figure 5 for the elementary value of quantum energy for brain and Schumann waves). The consciousness field is the combination of a psychonic field or wave (produced by the psychionic elementary particle), an electric field, and a magnetic field. The psychonic field or wave, like the magnetic field, is produced by moving charges or currents, and the electric field stationary charges. The consciousness field can be regarded as a smooth, continuous field that propagates in a wavelike manner, and interacts with charges and currents. The reciprocal information transfer between the absolute vacuum, the Schumann waves of entangled and superimposed material realities with consciousness fields, and the psychion/psychon of subjects of experience takes place via the distinct resonances of everything and everyone, which is an individuated rhythmic channel/station on the frequency wavelength of Schumann waves and the absolute vacuum that is entangled and superimposed, and can be detected by EEG machines (see Figure 6 for the Garyian equation representing individual consciousness).
Each person, animal, plant, and thing have their own individuated (resonating) channel/station on the frequency wavelength of the absolute vacuum, which gives rise to the entangled and superimposed Schumann waves of the consciousness field where their existences are unfolding. Consciousness, from this perspective, is an emergent fifth force of nature with an elementary particle, psychion, which produces a consciousness field, from the absolute vacuum, tied to the electromagnetic waves, Schumann waves, of superimposed and entangled physical worlds via the brain’s psychonic waves produced from the firing of neurons. The firing of neurons in the structures (ARAS system) of the brain, and the central nervous system, produces the psychonic electromagnetic wave, composed of the psychion with qualia, sense experiences of aggregate matter, which ties the individual to the Schumann waves, the electromagnetic fields of (superimposed and entangled) physical worlds of the multiverse, which emerge from, and tied to, the absolute vacuum or zero-point field of nonlocal space where the elementary particles of the forces of nature are one in the form of a probability wavefunction. The absolute vacuum transmits individual consciousness as a resonating frequency wavelength, channel or station with phenomenal properties, qualia, on the Schumann resonance of the earth and the psychonic wave of the individual, which share the same frequency with different amplitude (see Figure 5). The brain is a receiver of consciousness with the elementary particle, psychion, of consciousness serving as the resonating channel or station of individuated consciousness, and the Schumann and psychonic waves serving as the bandwidth; the absolute vacuum produces a carrier wave, i.e., the psychonic waves of individual consciousness, that is modulated in frequency by the signal that is to be transmitted in the form of the psychonic wave of the psychion (see Figure 6). Following matter disaggregation across and throughout the multiverse, the psychion, subatomic particle of consciousness, and its qualia, phenomenal property, is subsequently integrated into the absolute vacuum, the wavefunction of the multiverse, which in its inception was only four forces, where all the fundamental forces of nature emerged, of the multiverse to give rise to future worlds with conscious simple and complex beings whose qualia, phenomenal properties, is never destroyed (emergent panpsychism), but is the frequency of an individual consciousness recycled throughout the multiverse (see Figure 6).
For Mocombe what accounts for the unity of experience is the psychion, subatomic particle, of the emergent psychonic/panpsychic subatomic field of the multiverse that has phenomenal properties, qualia, which gets embodied as a resonating neuronal particle of the aggregated brain, which experiences a material resource framework as an “I,” a channel/station of, or on, a frequency wavelength, whose phenomenal properties, subjective experiences of material reality, following matter disaggregation either returns back to the field or collapses in other worlds, with their own consciousness fields, where the same matter exists as distinct resonating frequency channels of wavelengths (individual psychionic waves connected to Schumann waves of multiverses connected to the absolute vacuum as frequency wavelengths, which can be measured in Hertz). Death, in other words, is either integration into the probability wavefunction of the absolute vacuum, which produces the Schumann waves of superimposed and entangled material worlds each with their own superimposed and entangled consciousness fields, where individuated consciousness emerges, or the collapse of the resonating channel of the psychion/psychon unto another version of its vibrating and oscillating frequency wavelength and phase across the multiverse.
Within Mocombe’s theory of phenomenological structuralism, the psychological and sociological assumptions are that human (psychological and sociological) development emerges from the constitution of consciousness, which is an emergent fifth force of nature, a field of consciousness or consciousness field. Consciousness is an emergent fifth force of nature, a field of consciousness or the consciousness field, composed of an emergent quantum material substance/energy, psychion, the phenomenal property, qualia or informational content, of which is recycled/replicated/entangled/superimposed throughout the multiverse and becomes embodied via the neurons of brains and multiple worlds to constitute mind. Mind, composed of the personal and collective unconscious, and the emerging sense-experiences of the ego, qualia, held together or given uniformity and integrated as an I via the electromagnetic field of the brain is manifested in simultaneous, entangled, superimposed, and interconnecting material resource frameworks, multiple worlds, as praxis or practical consciousness of organic life, the content of which in-turn becomes the phenomenal properties, qualia, of material (subatomic particle energy, psychion) consciousness that is recycled/replicated/entangled/superimposed throughout the multiverses upon matter disaggregation. In other words, existence precedes essence; but essence is emergent and eternal, and comes to constitute a fifth force of nature, a field of consciousness for Being production, through the phenomenal properties, qualia (personal and collective unconscious sense experiences of past, present, and future existences), of neuronal subatomic particles, psychion, which are recycled/replicated/superimposed/entangled throughout the multiverse, via the absolute vacuum, and give human actors their initial (essential and unconscious) practical consciousness that they organize and reproduce in replicated, entangled, and superimposed material resource frameworks.
The brain is a receiver of consciousness from an emergent consciousness field of the multiverse (see Figure 4). This consciousness field theory, CFT, differs from Johnjoe McFadden’s (2020) conscious electromagnetic (EM) information (CEMI) field theory, which posits “that the seat of consciousness is simply the brain’s EM field” (pg. 5), in that for me, the EM field of the brain is not the seat of consciousness; instead, it (the brain’s EM field) serves more like a glue, which holds and integrates consciousness, which emerges from its on field, together. In other words, consciousness emerges out of a field composed of subatomic particles, psychions, which have phenomenal properties (qualia) and become embodied in the neurons of brains that constitute an electromagnetic field during their firing that holds the psychions together as an individuated consciousness in order to experience objective reality. McFadden’s attempt to hold on to dualism by substituting spirit in the matter/spirit argument with the EM field of the brain is tautological. That is holding on to energy and matter to give a dualist account of consciousness is not a dualist account; instead, it is an incomplete materialist account. My consciousness field theory (CFT) completes McFadden’s materialist account regarding the nature and origins of consciousness by arguing for a physics that views consciousness as an emergent fifth force of nature with its own field.
On this physics, Mocombe builds his systemic philosophy, sociology, and psychology called phenomenological structuralism by tying the emergence of the field of consciousness, the consciousness field, composed of psychions to human sociological and psychological development and experiences, which constitute the phenomenal properties (qualia) of the psychions, which form the tripartite structure (ego, personal and collective unconscious) of the emerging human mind manifested as their practical activities. Psychologically speaking, in other words, the field of consciousness or consciousness field is the basis for psychological development. The field is an emergent fifth force of nature composed of the psychion, which is the energy substance that constitutes and transmits the ego essence (subjective experiences of material realities) of an individual person to the neurons of brains (see Figure 4).
The ego essence, psychion, is composed of all of the personal and collective sense experiences (personal and collective unconscious of the ego), the phenomenal properties or qualia, of the individual person, which becomes embodied in the neurons in the brain as a result of matter aggregation across multiple simultaneous existing past/present/future worlds/universes. The structure of the mind, in the end, is composed of the ego and the personal and collective unconscious, which becomes embodied, as the qualia of psychions, via the neurons of the aggregated brain and its EM field across replicated simultaneous past/present/future worlds of the multiverse.
The EM field’s “source is the electrical dipoles within the neuronal membranes caused by the motion of ions in and out of those membranes during action potentials and synaptic potentials. The periodic discharge of neurons—firing or action potentials—generates EMF waves that propagate out of the neuron and into the surrounding inter-neuronal spaces where they overlap and combine to generate the brain’s global EM field that is routinely measured by brain scanning techniques such as electroencephalography (EEG) and magnetoencephalography (MEG)” (McFadden, 2020, pg. 5). The EM field integrates and holds together, like a glue, the ego essence, individuated consciousness of being, their psychion, which emerges out of its own (emergent) force, the consciousness field, from the absolute vacuum. The ego, in other words, is the (material) essence, psychion, of the individual being. It is a composite of their past/present/future experiences, which emerge as the personal and collective unconscious, i.e., qualia, of the ego.
The latter two as such are the past/present/future biological and sociological sense experiences of the ego over all of its lived-experiences across the multiverse. Following matter disaggregation, the psychion, either collapses unto other versions of itself still in existence in the multiverse or returns to the consciousness field of the absolute vacuum. The individual, doing embodiment, only becomes aware of itself as an ego with personal and collective tastes that individuates them from other objects and persons when they encounter conflict, throughout their lifespan, in becoming and being-in-worlds constituted via five (sociological) systems, i.e., mode of production, language, ideology, ideological apparatuses, and communicative discourse.
The individual being, whose mechanical brain and electromagnetic field, is initially constituted as superimposed, entangled, recycled, and embodied subatomic particles, psychion, of multiple worlds of the multiverse, which have their own predetermined form of understanding and cognition, phenomenal properties, qualia, based on previous or simultaneous sense-experiences as aggregated matter (this is akin to what the Greek philosopher Plato refers to when he posits knowledge as recollection of the Soul; and Nietzsche’s idea of eternal recurrence). Again, the individual’s actions are not necessarily determined by the embodiment and drives (qualia or phenomenal properties) of these recycled (replicated)/entangled/superimposed subatomic particles in the neurons of the brain. It is conflict and an individual’s mental stance, ready-to-hand (questioning stance of the mind), unready-to-hand (unconscious motivation of the mind), and present-at-hand (conscious, self-aware stance of the mind), when the subatomic particles become aggregated matter or embodied, which determines whether are not they become aware, present-at-hand, of the subatomic particle drives and choose to recursively reorganize and reproduce the content of the drives as their practical consciousness.
This desire to reproduce the (essence) cognition and understanding of the (phenomenal properties/qualia) drives of the recycled/replicated/entangled/superimposed subatomic particles, however, may be limited by the structuring structure (chemical, biological, and physiological drives) of the aggregated body and brain of the individual subject. That is to say, the second origins and basis of an individual’s actions are the structuring drives and desires, for food, clothing, shelter, social interaction, and sex, of the aggregated body and brain, which the subatomic particles constitute and embody. In other words, the aggregated body and brain is preprogrammed with its own (chemical, biological, and physiological) forms of sensibility, understanding, and cognition, structuring structure, by which it experiences being-in-a-world as aggregated embodied subatomic particles. These bodily forms of sensibility, understanding, and cognition, such as the drive and desire for food, clothing, shelter, social interaction, linguistic communication, and sex, are tied to the material embodiment and survival of the embodied individual actor, and may or may not supersede or conflict with the desire and drive of an individual to recursively (re) organize and reproduce the structuring structure of the superimposed, entangled, and recycled (phenomenal properties of) subatomic particles. If these two initials (unconscious) structuring structures are in conflict, the individual moves from the ready-to-hand to the unready-to-hand stance or analytics where they may begin to reflect upon and question their being-in-the-world prior to acting. Hence just as in the case of the structuring structure of the subatomic particles it is an individual being’s analytics vis-à-vis the drives of its body and brain in relation to the impulses/drives of the subatomic particles, which determines whether or not they become driven by the desire to solely fulfill the material needs of their body and brain at the expense of the drives/desires of the subatomic particles or the social class language game of the material resource framework they find their existence unfolding in.
The social class language game, and its differentiating effects, an individual find their existence unfolding in is the third structuring structure, which attempts to determine the actions of individual beings as they experience being-in-a-world as embodied subatomic particles. The aggregated individual finds themselves objectified and unfolding (Being) within a material resource framework controlled by the actions of other bodies, which presuppose their existence, via the actions of their bodies (practical consciousness), language, communicative discourse, ideology, and ideological apparatuses stemming from how they satisfy the desires of their bodies and subatomic particle drives (means and mode of production). What is aggregated and reified as a social class language game by those in power positions via and within its mode of production, language, ideology, ideological apparatuses, and communicative discourse attempts to interpellate and subjectify other beings to its interpretive frame of satisfying their bodily needs, fulfilling the impulses of their subatomic particles, and organizing a material resource framework at the expense of all others, and becomes a third form of structuring individual action based on the mode of production and how it differentiates individual actors.
That is to say, an individual’s interpellation, subjectification, and differentiation within the social class language game that presupposes their being-in-a-world attempts to determine their actions or practical consciousness via the reified language, ideology, etc., of the social class language game, the meaning of which can be deferred via the communicative discourse of the individual actors allowing them to form social groups or heterogeneous communities tied to the dominant social order because of their control of the materials of the material resource framework. Hence, the deferment of meaning in ego-centered communicative discourse of the language and ideology of a social class language game is the final means of determining an individual’s action or practical consciousness outside of, and in relation to, its stance, i.e., analytics, vis-à-vis the drives of subatomic particles, drives and desires (anatomy and physiology) of the body and brain, and structural reproduction and differentiation.
The interaction of all four elements or structuring processes in relation to the (mental) stance of the transcendental ego of the individual actor is the basis for human action, praxis/practical consciousness, and cognition/mind in a world. However, in the end, consequently, the majority of practical consciousness will be a product of an individual actor’s embodiment and the structural reproduction and differentiation of a social class language game given 1) the determinant nature of embodiment, (anatomical and physiological) form of understanding and sensibility of the body and brain amidst, paradoxically, the indeterminacy of impulses of embodied subatomic particles and the neuronal processes involved in ego-centered communicative discourse; and 2) the consolidation of power of those who control the material resource framework wherein a society, the social class language game, is ensconced and the threat that power (consolidated and constituted via the actions of bodies, mode of production, language, ideology, ideological apparatuses, and communicative discourse) poses to the ontological security of an aggregated individual actor who chooses (or not) either ready-to-hand or present-at-hand to recursively reorganize and reproduce the ideals of the society as their practical consciousness. Lastly, the entire lived-experiences (across the multiverses) of the individual being is recorded as the phenomenal properties, qualia, essence, of the psychions that constitute the field of consciousness, which is an emerging fifth force of nature.
Future research must 1) continue to search for evidence of multiverses and other forms of existence tied to our present world, which will be similarly constituted as our own universe, and 2) proofs for the existence of the field of consciousness or consciousness field and its elementary particle, psychion, in order to falsify or verify Mocombe’s Garyian consciousness wave equation, consciousness field theory, and overall theory of phenomenological structuralism.

Figure 1: The univon model composed of a superluminal primordial information quantum (sprinq). The mathematical horn torus surface on which the spring travels is cut away to show the interior. The black closed curve on the surface of the horn torus is the trajectory of the univon’s sprinq (indicated by the black dot.)

Figure 2: The parametric equations of the univon model composed of a circulating sprinq. The calculated maximum speed of the circulating sprinq is c 5=2.236c (at the equator of the mathematical torus) while its minimum speed is c (at the center of the mathematical torus).

Figure 3: For Mocombe, building on BHBBT, the superverses with entangled and superimposed (via black holes) multiverses share the same informational content. So, the hypothesis here is that one superverse created (from the absolute vacuum) a universe, and its informational content is entangled and superimposed on top of another superverse with the informational content of the previous universe emerging in it via black holes. Hence what you have are a layer of multiverses and superverses, superimposed and entangled, whose informational content are shared or recycled via black holes, which organize and structure the multiverses similarly. As such, quantum fluctuation and big bangs are constantly occurring and producing the same worlds, ad infinitum. So, when physicists look out to the cosmic microwave background (CMB), they are looking at the remnant from an early stage of our universe, which came forth from its older version a layer above it, and so on ad infinitum. Put more concretely, the physicists are in a superverse, of our universe, in our milky-way galaxy, looking out to the black hole of a milky-way galaxy from the superverse/multiverse above us with its own consciousness field.

Figure 4: This figure represents how the psychions are embodied, as psychons, from the consciousness field (CF) in the neurons of brains (figure a, adopted from McFadden, 2020, represents the human brain—left (L) and right (R) hemispheres—and its EM field, which holds together and integrates the qualia of psychions, informational content of the superverse/multiverses, which becomes individuated consciousness recursively organized and reproduced as practical consciousness), which produces an EM field that holds together and integrates the qualia of the psychions as individuated consciousness on channels or stations of frequency wavelengths from the absolute vacuum. For Mocombe, building on BHBBT, the superverses with entangled and superimposed (via black holes) multiverses share the same informational content. So, the hypothesis here is that one superverse created (from the absolute vacuum) a universe, and its informational content is entangled and superimposed on top of another superverse with the informational content of the previous universe emerging in it via black holes. Hence what you have are a layer of ultiverses and superverses, superimposed and entangled, whose informational contents are shared or recycled via black holes, which organize and structure the multiverses similarly. As such, quantum fluctuation and big bangs are constantly occurring and producing the same worlds, ad infinitum.
The informational content, qualia, of these multiverses and worlds are encoded and transmitted as psychions (channel frequency of wavelengths) and embodied in the neurons of brains, which create an EM field that holds and integrates the psychions as individuated consciousness.
hw = 10-15 eV (4)
Figure 5: Adopted from Kozlowska and Kozlowski. The formula represents the elementary value of quantum energy for brain and Schumann waves.
Φ = 10-15 eV(4) ± f(0)
Figure 6: Garyian consciousness wave equation for individual consciousness. The formula represents the elementary value of quantum energy for brain and Schumann waves plus or minus the resonating frequency channel or station of subjective phenomenal consciousness.

Figure 7: For Mocombe, one superverse created (from the absolute vacuum) a universe, via quantum fluctuation, tunneling, and inflation, and its informational content is entangled and superimposed on top of another universe with the informational content of the previous universe emerging in it via black holes as highlighted in Figure 3. Figure 7 highlights the stages by which these multiverses emerge and unfold from the absolute vacuum. Hence what you have are a layer of multiverses, superimposed and entangled, whose informational contents are shared or recycled via black holes, which organize and structure the multiverses similarly. As such, quantum fluctuation and big bangs are constantly occurring and producing the same worlds, ad infinitum. So, when physicists look out to the cosmic microwave background (CMB), they are looking at the remnant from an early stage of our universe, which came forth from its older version a layer above it, and so on ad infinitum. Put more concretely, the physicists are in a superverse, of our universe, in our milky-way galaxy, looking out to the black hole of a milky-way galaxy from the superverse/multiverse above us with its own consciousness field.
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Citation: Paul C. Mocombe. (2021). The origins, Nature, and Constitution of Consciousness in Material Worlds. Journal of Medical Research and Case Reports 3(2).
Copyright: © 2021 Paul C. Mocombe. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.