Case Report
Volume 4 Issue 1 - 2022
An Abused Body Recovers in Two Weeks.
President, Cell Sonic: Manufacturers of Medical Equipment, United Kingdom
*Corresponding Author: Andrew Hague, President, Cell Sonic: Manufacturers of Medical Equipment, United Kingdom.
Received: February 01, 2022; Published: February 21, 2022
On the 30th of December I received a Skype call from the lady friend of a patient asking if the man was alright. He was in pain, had not enough energy to walk, looked and sounded at death’s door from what I could see and had been treated by CellSonic a few days before. I knew nothing of his case. This sounded like a failure and serious complaint.
I knew who had done the treatment and she is an expert having had cancer herself, was cured by CellSonic and bought a machine to cure others because she knew that oncologists were useless.
“What was wrong with him?”
“It was cancer, everywhere. He was tested and marks made where he had to be zapped. Now he feels worse.
“It was cancer, everywhere. He was tested and marks made where he had to be zapped. Now he feels worse.
What has happened?”
Faced with what I saw, I clung to what I knew. The diagnostics work and the CellSonic works. Cancer was located, stopped, checked again and found to be clear. This goes on daily around the world in CellSonic clinics. For it to have gone wrong once was unbelievable. I rely on feedback from patients and all have to report success or I am sceptical; my money and reputation is committed to CellSonic.
Faced with what I saw, I clung to what I knew. The diagnostics work and the CellSonic works. Cancer was located, stopped, checked again and found to be clear. This goes on daily around the world in CellSonic clinics. For it to have gone wrong once was unbelievable. I rely on feedback from patients and all have to report success or I am sceptical; my money and reputation is committed to CellSonic.
“He is healing. The pain is what he feels when the body is going through a major change. In a few more days he will be alright?”
“But I was told he would be alright immediately and, on the flight, back he was. Then three days later he got worse and we are worried.”
“How bad was he to start with?”
“Quite bad but he used to be very fit. He was an acrobat in a circus.”
“How old is he now?”
“Thirty. He has a good appetite and I give him proper vegetables and nutrition. He used to smoke weed but doesn’t now.”
The man was not talking, he couldn’t. His doting carer was his lifeline. Acrobatics, the circus and marijuana was asking for trouble.
“He wrecked himself.”
“I know but I love him and want him to be alright.”
I assured them everything would be and kept my fingers crossed for them. Then an email arrived today with photos.
Greetings wonderful Andrew
I write to you to give you evidence.
First picture is at the clinic 2 weeks ago before the cellsonic treatment.
Then 1 week ago his small cyst burst & then his cough went away.
Then yesterday his big cyst burst and the second picture is him today. His belly & his legs are not swollen anymore. He has no cough anymore. He can walk. I’m having him exercise now.
The third picture is just so you can see how big & red & swollen the big cyst were.
I am forever grateful to you.
“How bad was he to start with?”
“Quite bad but he used to be very fit. He was an acrobat in a circus.”
“How old is he now?”
“Thirty. He has a good appetite and I give him proper vegetables and nutrition. He used to smoke weed but doesn’t now.”
The man was not talking, he couldn’t. His doting carer was his lifeline. Acrobatics, the circus and marijuana was asking for trouble.
“He wrecked himself.”
“I know but I love him and want him to be alright.”
I assured them everything would be and kept my fingers crossed for them. Then an email arrived today with photos.
Greetings wonderful Andrew
I write to you to give you evidence.
First picture is at the clinic 2 weeks ago before the cellsonic treatment.
Then 1 week ago his small cyst burst & then his cough went away.
Then yesterday his big cyst burst and the second picture is him today. His belly & his legs are not swollen anymore. He has no cough anymore. He can walk. I’m having him exercise now.
The third picture is just so you can see how big & red & swollen the big cyst were.
I am forever grateful to you.
The crosses are made with a felt tipped pen where the diagnostics indicate treatment is needed. A patient with cancer always says where the cancer is. Standard procedure is to make a proper check and always many more places are found. This is to be expected because cancer migrates and small tumours and single cells do not show on a scan and blood tests cannot locate the tumours. This is why CellSonic has its own method.
I asked if they would let me use their story and photos and they agreed with another email confirming what they had already reported.
Greeting my friend,
I am forever grateful to you.
A…. is now healed (almost 100%)
I include picture before & after.
The first picture was from the clinic before the treatment & the second picture is from today.
His first cyst burst last Thursday & his cough went away then too.
The second cyst burst yesterday and is still leaking.
He can breath and walk now. I have him walking for 20 minutes at a time every day now.
Thank you for your invention.
I include a picture of A….’s big cyst yesterday before it burst
I am forever grateful to you.
A…. is now healed (almost 100%)
I include picture before & after.
The first picture was from the clinic before the treatment & the second picture is from today.
His first cyst burst last Thursday & his cough went away then too.
The second cyst burst yesterday and is still leaking.
He can breath and walk now. I have him walking for 20 minutes at a time every day now.
Thank you for your invention.
I include a picture of A….’s big cyst yesterday before it burst
The treatment has been successful. The healing generated some pain and was exhausting but the lady carer did everything right and the man now knows there is a limit to what a body can withstand.
He recovered without drugs in about two weeks. For someone in such a bad condition, he has done well and is an example of what CellSonic can do.
The emotional support of the lady carer is valuable and we see this in many cases. As good as the CellSonic technology is, there still has to be emotional healing. The patient has to put their personal history behind them and start a new life. No drugs or machines can control the mind. They can obliterate thoughts and damage the brain but that is the opposite of healing.
Since writing the above report, the lady-carer-girl friend sent another report in Swedish. Here is a translation and her original follows.
This is a personal story about how CellSonic saved my boyfriend's life.
Symptoms began in September 2021 when A received spasms under his left rib.
It continued with successive pains and by October he had started coughing terribly smelly was.
An abscess/cyst began to grow on his left side and he began to have difficulty breathing.
It just got worse and worse. He now had 2 cysts and his stomach stood out swollen and his feet were also swollen. He lost weight day after day.
The cough lasted almost constantly and when he could sleep, he had to sleep on one side. Strangely enough on the side he had the cysts.
By December, it became apparent that he was seriously ill. Since he's only 30 years old, we always thought it would go away on its own.
We took him to a doctor who did a Biofeedback analysis and he had 1/3 of his lung capacity and arsenic poisoning, parasites and cancer throughout his body.
She sent us home and told us to pray to God.
I had heard about CellSonic from my teacher Dr Wolfe who got me in touch with Professor Hague who immediately put me in touch with Angela, (2 hours from us) who had a CellSonic and who herself had been cured of cancer by CellSonic and who had bought a machine.
We went there right away and A got treatment. We tested him after the treatment and his body showed no cancer.
We went home.
A few days later, the cysts began to grow and became angrily red and hurt a lot.
He was still swollen and still had a cough.
We called Professor Hague 7 days after treatment and asked if A should not feel better because the cancer was gone.
Both Professor Hague and Dr Wolfe told us that stopping/curing the cancer was easy, now it was time for the body to heal what the cancer had created.
A few days later, the little cyst opened up. There was a fountain of each and blood squirting out.
The cough disappeared then.
He was still swollen but a week after the little one opened up, the big one opened up too.
Then the swelling disappeared.
And now it is 2 weeks since the little one opened up and A can walk again (he was wheelchair bound for 2 weeks between treatment and now). He still has healing to go through (there's a third smaller cyst that's started to grow and wants out) and he's still leaking was from the cysts but he's been given another chance at life.
A little note here: because I knew after studying with Dr Wolfe that it's important when it comes to the body's ability to heal itself, I used nutraceuticals to speed up healing plus gave A a plant-based diet and a lot of positive thinking.
I knew the body knows how to heal, I kissed his cysts every day and talked to them and encouraged them to leave him. I thanked them for their work in defending A and said they weren't needed anymore.
Their job was done.
Every day we thanked the universe for the gift of healing A.
But without CellSonic, I don't think A would be alive today. It's the closest thing to a miracle in today's society.
I want everyone to know about CellSonic and I'm going to buy one myself in a few months.
There is no price in getting another chance at life.
With kind regards,
14 January 2022
Symptoms began in September 2021 when A received spasms under his left rib.
It continued with successive pains and by October he had started coughing terribly smelly was.
An abscess/cyst began to grow on his left side and he began to have difficulty breathing.
It just got worse and worse. He now had 2 cysts and his stomach stood out swollen and his feet were also swollen. He lost weight day after day.
The cough lasted almost constantly and when he could sleep, he had to sleep on one side. Strangely enough on the side he had the cysts.
By December, it became apparent that he was seriously ill. Since he's only 30 years old, we always thought it would go away on its own.
We took him to a doctor who did a Biofeedback analysis and he had 1/3 of his lung capacity and arsenic poisoning, parasites and cancer throughout his body.
She sent us home and told us to pray to God.
I had heard about CellSonic from my teacher Dr Wolfe who got me in touch with Professor Hague who immediately put me in touch with Angela, (2 hours from us) who had a CellSonic and who herself had been cured of cancer by CellSonic and who had bought a machine.
We went there right away and A got treatment. We tested him after the treatment and his body showed no cancer.
We went home.
A few days later, the cysts began to grow and became angrily red and hurt a lot.
He was still swollen and still had a cough.
We called Professor Hague 7 days after treatment and asked if A should not feel better because the cancer was gone.
Both Professor Hague and Dr Wolfe told us that stopping/curing the cancer was easy, now it was time for the body to heal what the cancer had created.
A few days later, the little cyst opened up. There was a fountain of each and blood squirting out.
The cough disappeared then.
He was still swollen but a week after the little one opened up, the big one opened up too.
Then the swelling disappeared.
And now it is 2 weeks since the little one opened up and A can walk again (he was wheelchair bound for 2 weeks between treatment and now). He still has healing to go through (there's a third smaller cyst that's started to grow and wants out) and he's still leaking was from the cysts but he's been given another chance at life.
A little note here: because I knew after studying with Dr Wolfe that it's important when it comes to the body's ability to heal itself, I used nutraceuticals to speed up healing plus gave A a plant-based diet and a lot of positive thinking.
I knew the body knows how to heal, I kissed his cysts every day and talked to them and encouraged them to leave him. I thanked them for their work in defending A and said they weren't needed anymore.
Their job was done.
Every day we thanked the universe for the gift of healing A.
But without CellSonic, I don't think A would be alive today. It's the closest thing to a miracle in today's society.
I want everyone to know about CellSonic and I'm going to buy one myself in a few months.
There is no price in getting another chance at life.
With kind regards,
14 January 2022
Here is the original she wrote in Swedish:
Detta är en personlig berättelse om hur CellSonic räddade livet på min pojkvän.
Symptomen började i september 2021 då A fick spasmer under vänstra revbenen.
Det fortsatte med successiva smärtor och i oktober hade han börjat hosta hemskt illaluktande var.
En böld/cysta började växa på hans vänstra sida och han började ha svårt att andas.
Det blev bara värre och värre. Han hade nu 2 cystor och hans mage stod ut svullen och hans fötter var också svullna. Han förlorade vikt dag efter dag.
Hostan varade nästan konstant och när han kunde sova så var han tvungen att sova på ena sidan. Konstigt nog på den sidan han hade cystorna.
I december hade det blivit uppenbart att han var allvarligt sjuk. Eftersom han bara är 30 år trodde vi hela tiden att det skulle gå bort av sig själv.
Vi tog han till en läkare som gjorde en Biofeedback analys och han hade 1/3 av sin lungkapacitet och arsenikförgiftning, parasiter och cancer i hela kroppen.
Hon skickade hem oss och sa att vi skulle be till Gud.
Jag hade hört om CellSonic från min lärare Dr Wolfe som fick mig i kontakt med professor Hague som omedelbart satte mig i kontakt med Angela, en kvinna (2 timmar från oss) som hade en CellSonic och som själv hade blivit botad av CellSonic och som hade köpt en maskin.
Vi åkte dit meddetsamma och A fick behandling. Vi testade honom och hans kropp visade ingen cancer.
Vi åkte hem.
Några dagar senare började cystorna växa och blev ilsket röda och gjorde mycket ont.
Han var fortfarande svullen och hade fortfarande hosta.
Vi ringde professor Hague 7 dagar efter behandlingen och frågade om A inte borde må bättre eftersom cancern var borta.
Både professor Hague och Dr Wolfe berättade att stoppa/bota cancern var det lätta, nu var det tid för kroppen att läka det som cancern hade skapat.
Några dagar senare öppnade sig den lilla cystan. Det var en fontän av var och blod som sprutade ut.
Hostan försvann då.
Han var fortfarande svullen men 1 vecka efter den lilla öppnade sig så öppnade den stora sig också.
Då försvann svullnaden.
Och nu är det 2 veckor sedan den lilla öppnades sig och A kan gå igen (han var rullstolsbunden i 2 veckor mellan behandlingen och nu). Han har fortfarande läkning att gå igenom (där är en tredje mindre cysta som har börjat växa och vill ut) och han läcker fortfarande var från cystorna men han har fått en ny chans på livet.
En liten notis här: eftersom jag visste efter att ha studerat med Dr Wolfe att det är viktigt när det kommer till kroppens förmåga att läka sig, så använde jag mig av nutraceuticals för att skynda på läkningen plus gav A en plantbaserad diet och mycket positivt tänkande.
Jag visste att kroppen vet hur den läker sig, jag pussade hans cystor varje dag och pratade med dom och uppmuntrade dom till att lämna honom. Jag tackade dom för deras jobb i att försvara A och sa att dom inte behövdes längre.
Deras jobb var färdigt.
Varje dag tackade vi universum för gåvan att läka A.
Men utan CellSonic tror jag inte A hade varit till livs idag. Det är det närmaste till ett mirakel i dagen samhälle.
Jag vill att alla ska veta om CellSonic och jag ska köpa en själv om några månader.
Det finns inget pris på att få en ny chans på livet.
Med vänlig hälsning,Linda 14 januari 2022
Symptomen började i september 2021 då A fick spasmer under vänstra revbenen.
Det fortsatte med successiva smärtor och i oktober hade han börjat hosta hemskt illaluktande var.
En böld/cysta började växa på hans vänstra sida och han började ha svårt att andas.
Det blev bara värre och värre. Han hade nu 2 cystor och hans mage stod ut svullen och hans fötter var också svullna. Han förlorade vikt dag efter dag.
Hostan varade nästan konstant och när han kunde sova så var han tvungen att sova på ena sidan. Konstigt nog på den sidan han hade cystorna.
I december hade det blivit uppenbart att han var allvarligt sjuk. Eftersom han bara är 30 år trodde vi hela tiden att det skulle gå bort av sig själv.
Vi tog han till en läkare som gjorde en Biofeedback analys och han hade 1/3 av sin lungkapacitet och arsenikförgiftning, parasiter och cancer i hela kroppen.
Hon skickade hem oss och sa att vi skulle be till Gud.
Jag hade hört om CellSonic från min lärare Dr Wolfe som fick mig i kontakt med professor Hague som omedelbart satte mig i kontakt med Angela, en kvinna (2 timmar från oss) som hade en CellSonic och som själv hade blivit botad av CellSonic och som hade köpt en maskin.
Vi åkte dit meddetsamma och A fick behandling. Vi testade honom och hans kropp visade ingen cancer.
Vi åkte hem.
Några dagar senare började cystorna växa och blev ilsket röda och gjorde mycket ont.
Han var fortfarande svullen och hade fortfarande hosta.
Vi ringde professor Hague 7 dagar efter behandlingen och frågade om A inte borde må bättre eftersom cancern var borta.
Både professor Hague och Dr Wolfe berättade att stoppa/bota cancern var det lätta, nu var det tid för kroppen att läka det som cancern hade skapat.
Några dagar senare öppnade sig den lilla cystan. Det var en fontän av var och blod som sprutade ut.
Hostan försvann då.
Han var fortfarande svullen men 1 vecka efter den lilla öppnade sig så öppnade den stora sig också.
Då försvann svullnaden.
Och nu är det 2 veckor sedan den lilla öppnades sig och A kan gå igen (han var rullstolsbunden i 2 veckor mellan behandlingen och nu). Han har fortfarande läkning att gå igenom (där är en tredje mindre cysta som har börjat växa och vill ut) och han läcker fortfarande var från cystorna men han har fått en ny chans på livet.
En liten notis här: eftersom jag visste efter att ha studerat med Dr Wolfe att det är viktigt när det kommer till kroppens förmåga att läka sig, så använde jag mig av nutraceuticals för att skynda på läkningen plus gav A en plantbaserad diet och mycket positivt tänkande.
Jag visste att kroppen vet hur den läker sig, jag pussade hans cystor varje dag och pratade med dom och uppmuntrade dom till att lämna honom. Jag tackade dom för deras jobb i att försvara A och sa att dom inte behövdes längre.
Deras jobb var färdigt.
Varje dag tackade vi universum för gåvan att läka A.
Men utan CellSonic tror jag inte A hade varit till livs idag. Det är det närmaste till ett mirakel i dagen samhälle.
Jag vill att alla ska veta om CellSonic och jag ska köpa en själv om några månader.
Det finns inget pris på att få en ny chans på livet.
Med vänlig hälsning,Linda 14 januari 2022
4th February 2022
An email from the lady friend, “Hi Andrew, I just had a radionics scan on him, it shows great results
as you will be able to see & I wanted to highlight the Lyme part as well as cancer.
Cancer is gone & the Lyme is almost gone.
Look at the numbers.
All his worm parasites are gone as well as heavy metals & candida.
I want to have another cellsonic done on his body to see if it will eliminate all the Lyme.”
An email from the lady friend, “Hi Andrew, I just had a radionics scan on him, it shows great results
as you will be able to see & I wanted to highlight the Lyme part as well as cancer.
Cancer is gone & the Lyme is almost gone.
Look at the numbers.
All his worm parasites are gone as well as heavy metals & candida.
I want to have another cellsonic done on his body to see if it will eliminate all the Lyme.”
Citation: Andrew Hague. (2022). An Abused Body Recovers in Two Weeks. Journal of Medicine and Surgical Sciences 4.1.
Copyright: © 2022 Andrew Hague. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.