Research Article
Volume 7 Issue 1 - 2025
Recent Investigations on the Pharmacology, Phytochemistry, and Traditional use of the Solanum Nigrum Linn.
Shri Venkateshwara University, Amroha Gajraula
*Corresponding Author: Rahul Shukla, Shri Venkateshwara University, Amroha Gajraula.
Received: March 13, 2024; Published: February 10, 2025
The Solanum nigrum Linnaeus plant was first cultivated in Southeast Asia, but it is now grown all over the world. Is now widespread across the continents of Europe, Asia, as well as North and South America, and it thrives in climates ranging from temperate to tropical. 188 different chemical components of S have been recognized up until this point. Nigrum. Investigations into the physiological and psychoactive effects of S. Studies conducted in vitro and in vivo on the medicinal herb nigrum have revealed that it possesses a variety of beneficial qualities, including those that are neuroprotective, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer. This article takes a detailed and methodical approach to discussing the traditional and botanical applications of S, as well as its phytochemical components, pharmacological properties, and clinical trial results and adverse effects. nigrum in order to provide the most recent facts possible regarding the application and utilization of S. nigrum as an ingredient in therapeutic meals and drugs.
Keywords: Solanum nigrum; Chemical components; Solanaceae; Plant; Extracts
There are about 2,000 different species of plants that belong to the genus Solanum, which is in the family Solanaceae. These plants are all indigenous to tropical and subtropical areas. The vast majority of them bear lovely fruits as well as blooms. The genus Solanum can be found in China in 39 different species and 14 different variations. Black Solanum Linn. Valerian L. in addition to (the Chinese character for). Nigrum can be found growing in the vicinity of human populations, agricultural areas, and wastelands virtually everywhere in China. It is also common in climates ranging from temperate to tropical in Asia, the United States, and Europe. The plant is known by a variety of different names depending on the region in China in which it is found [1].
S. Bitter herb nigrum, which is associated to the lung and kidney meridians and has a taste that is chilly, somewhat toxic, and bitter, can be used therapeutically. Bitter herb nigrum also has a reputation for being bitter tasting herbs. In Chinese folk medicine, the element S has played a significant role in treatment. nigrum. S.'s whole plant. In addition to this, it is beneficial for removing blood stasis and detumescence, reducing heat, and detoxifying the body. In addition to this, in the modern day clinical practice, S. In order to treat cancers, nigrum is usually coupled with other types of therapy. There are reports that it has been utilized as a treatment for cancers in a number of Asian countries, including Japan and India. The fruits, of S. Nigrum are mix in taste, and it is believed that they were used as a source of nutrition in China during the 15th century during a famine. After being cooked, the leaves and berries are treated as food. Research on phytochemicals conducted over the course of the last few decades has shown that the whole S. In addition to other chemicals, the nigrum herb is loaded with S. Nigrum and some of the chemicals described above have been linked to a wide variety of beneficial effect in various disease. Researchers are particularly interested in the anticancer effects of saponins and alkaloids because they believe these chemicals will yield antitumor lead compounds. Steroidic saponins and alkaloids are steroidal compounds.
Because of the growing need for steroid chemicals that are produced from S. This article offers a thorough investigation, activity, and protection concerns associated with S. nigrum as a consequence of the substantial pharmacological activity that they exhibit. Based on research carried out using databases, with a particular focus. We have reason to anticipate that the findings of this review will have a sizeable impact on either the conduct of subsequent research or the creation of novel cancer treatments based on S. in addition to functional diets that are high in antioxidants. Nigrum and the energy components that make up nigrum.
Plant classifications as well as descriptions
Plant Description
S. nigrum is an yearly herbaceous plant that can grow up to one meter in height. Its height ranges from 0.25 to 1 meters. It has a taproot system in addition to a strong primary root, and it lignifies its wood frequently. The stem is almost completely glabrous or puberulent and might be green or purple in color. It does not have any delicate edges. The shape of the leaf is oval, it ranges in length from 2.5 to 10 centimeters and width from 1.5 to 5.5 centimeters, and the tip is acutely pointed. The length of the petiole ranges from one to two centimeters, and the cuneate base can be described as being either broad or wedge-shaped. It has teeth that are irregular, undulating, and coarse throughout or on each side, and the epidermis on both sides is either inflorescence that can include anywhere from three to ten flowers. The pedicel has a length of between 1 and 2.5 centimeters overall, is virtually glabrous or pubescent, and is roughly 5 millimeters in length. The calyx is a diminutive structure that takes the form of a shallow cup and has teeth that are oval in shape, rounded at the apex, and angled at the base. Its diameter varies between 1.5 and 2 mm. The length of the tube is less than one millimeter, the corolla is white, and the crown has five lobes that measure roughly 2.5 millimeters in length. The appendages measure about 2 millimeters in length and have an oval cross-section. The anthers are yellow in color, have a length of roughly 1.2 millimeters, have an apical aperture that faces inward. There are some short filaments present. The length of the style is roughly 1.5 mm, and the diameter of the ovary is approximately 0.5 mm. The cranium is shaped, the bottom region of the middle half is covered in white hair, and the stigma is rather modest. When it reaches maturity, the berry takes on a spherical shape, grows to be 8 millimeters in diameter, and darkens in color. The majority of seeds have a roughly oval shape, measure between 1.5 and 2 millimeters in diameter, and are compressed on both sides.
Plant Description
S. nigrum is an yearly herbaceous plant that can grow up to one meter in height. Its height ranges from 0.25 to 1 meters. It has a taproot system in addition to a strong primary root, and it lignifies its wood frequently. The stem is almost completely glabrous or puberulent and might be green or purple in color. It does not have any delicate edges. The shape of the leaf is oval, it ranges in length from 2.5 to 10 centimeters and width from 1.5 to 5.5 centimeters, and the tip is acutely pointed. The length of the petiole ranges from one to two centimeters, and the cuneate base can be described as being either broad or wedge-shaped. It has teeth that are irregular, undulating, and coarse throughout or on each side, and the epidermis on both sides is either inflorescence that can include anywhere from three to ten flowers. The pedicel has a length of between 1 and 2.5 centimeters overall, is virtually glabrous or pubescent, and is roughly 5 millimeters in length. The calyx is a diminutive structure that takes the form of a shallow cup and has teeth that are oval in shape, rounded at the apex, and angled at the base. Its diameter varies between 1.5 and 2 mm. The length of the tube is less than one millimeter, the corolla is white, and the crown has five lobes that measure roughly 2.5 millimeters in length. The appendages measure about 2 millimeters in length and have an oval cross-section. The anthers are yellow in color, have a length of roughly 1.2 millimeters, have an apical aperture that faces inward. There are some short filaments present. The length of the style is roughly 1.5 mm, and the diameter of the ovary is approximately 0.5 mm. The cranium is shaped, the bottom region of the middle half is covered in white hair, and the stigma is rather modest. When it reaches maturity, the berry takes on a spherical shape, grows to be 8 millimeters in diameter, and darkens in color. The majority of seeds have a roughly oval shape, measure between 1.5 and 2 millimeters in diameter, and are compressed on both sides.
S. Nigrum is categorized as a Plantae, Angiosperm, Magnoliopsid, Solanales, Solanaceae, and Solanum in terms of botany. The plant family known as the Solanaceae is predominately located in tropical America, and it contains more than 3,000 species and 80 different genera. There are roughly 2,000 different species of the genus Solanum, which gives it a prominent place within the family Solanaceae. The round fruits that are produced by S. When mature, nigrums are rich purple. Both the berries and the foliage can be consumed, however in order to remove the alkaloids that are found in the leaves, they need to be cooked first.
S. Nigrum is categorized as a Plantae, Angiosperm, Magnoliopsid, Solanales, Solanaceae, and Solanum in terms of botany. The plant family known as the Solanaceae is predominately located in tropical America, and it contains more than 3,000 species and 80 different genera. There are roughly 2,000 different species of the genus Solanum, which gives it a prominent place within the family Solanaceae. The round fruits that are produced by S. When mature, nigrums are rich purple. Both the berries and the foliage can be consumed, however in order to remove the alkaloids that are found in the leaves, they need to be cooked first.
Usual Procedures and Practices
The oldest narrative that is known to have been written about nigrum possesses the qualities of removing heat, detoxifying, lowering tumescence, and dispersing knots. Additionally, nigrum has been shown to reduce tumescence. There are a number of essential TCM monographs, including S. There are a wide variety of additional medical applications for nigrum, in addition to its use in the treatment of dermatitis, inadequate urine, chronic bronchitis, excessive leucorrhea, prostatitis, and dysentery. S may be found in a wide variety of TCM botanicals as well as mainstream treatments. There have been numerous preparations of the nigrum herb, including a decoction, powder, granule, pill, and capsule. To be more specific, Sheng Ji Zong Lu makes the claim that S. nigrum (30 g) is suitable for use with various plants, such as Hylotelephium erythrostictum (Miq.) H. thirty grams of the Coptis chinensis Franch., Ohba plant. Momordica cochinchinensis (Lour.) Spreng., thirty grams. The treatment of malignant lesions can be accomplished using Abelmoschus manihot (Linn.) Medicus (15 g) and (15 g) ( S. toxicity, edema, and carbuncles are some of the conditions that it is used to treat. Nigrum can also be crushed and used for cleansing when applied topically. It is also possible to combine it with traditional Chinese medicine herbs, such as Chrysanthemum indicum L., Corydalis bungeana Turcz., and Taraxacum mongolicum Hand.-Mazz., in order to prepare a decoction and then administer it orally in order to treat inflamed throats.
The oldest narrative that is known to have been written about nigrum possesses the qualities of removing heat, detoxifying, lowering tumescence, and dispersing knots. Additionally, nigrum has been shown to reduce tumescence. There are a number of essential TCM monographs, including S. There are a wide variety of additional medical applications for nigrum, in addition to its use in the treatment of dermatitis, inadequate urine, chronic bronchitis, excessive leucorrhea, prostatitis, and dysentery. S may be found in a wide variety of TCM botanicals as well as mainstream treatments. There have been numerous preparations of the nigrum herb, including a decoction, powder, granule, pill, and capsule. To be more specific, Sheng Ji Zong Lu makes the claim that S. nigrum (30 g) is suitable for use with various plants, such as Hylotelephium erythrostictum (Miq.) H. thirty grams of the Coptis chinensis Franch., Ohba plant. Momordica cochinchinensis (Lour.) Spreng., thirty grams. The treatment of malignant lesions can be accomplished using Abelmoschus manihot (Linn.) Medicus (15 g) and (15 g) ( S. toxicity, edema, and carbuncles are some of the conditions that it is used to treat. Nigrum can also be crushed and used for cleansing when applied topically. It is also possible to combine it with traditional Chinese medicine herbs, such as Chrysanthemum indicum L., Corydalis bungeana Turcz., and Taraxacum mongolicum Hand.-Mazz., in order to prepare a decoction and then administer it orally in order to treat inflamed throats.
In addition to its use as emetics, antispasmodics, and diuretics, the seeds of the nigrum plant are also employed in the treatment of diarrhea, fever, eye difficulties, and bleeding. As a further point of interest, the leaves of S. nigrum are applied topically to treat itching and sores, as well as for the treatment of dysentery, convulsions, and insomnia. They are also used as a cholagogic and anesthetic. The total amount of land area that S. Nigrum is a drug that can be used to induce sleep, relieve pain, and calm spasms. S. Nigra is used to treat phlegm, dysentery, and bleeding that has already occurred. The result of Jordan's efforts on the S. Nigrum is a medicine that is used to treat spasms. Nigrum is a significant plant that is utilized in traditional Indian medicine to cure a variety of conditions, including diarrhea, fever, and stomachaches. [2]
Components of Plants that Are Chemical in Nature
There are a large number of naturally occurring chemicals with a variety of structural configurations and beneficial qualities that can be discovered in nigrum. To this point, about 188 different is a plant that is composed of numerous chemical components, some of which include phenylpropanoids, their glycosides, flavonoids, organic acids, steroids, and alkaloids. Steroidic chemicals, which include steroidal alkaloids (77-101) and steroidal saponins (1-76), are thought to represent the primary bioactive components of S. nigrum contains a variety of health benefits, including those that fight cancer, inflammation, and viruses. Artificial saponins.
There are a large number of naturally occurring chemicals with a variety of structural configurations and beneficial qualities that can be discovered in nigrum. To this point, about 188 different is a plant that is composed of numerous chemical components, some of which include phenylpropanoids, their glycosides, flavonoids, organic acids, steroids, and alkaloids. Steroidic chemicals, which include steroidal alkaloids (77-101) and steroidal saponins (1-76), are thought to represent the primary bioactive components of S. nigrum contains a variety of health benefits, including those that fight cancer, inflammation, and viruses. Artificial saponins.
Secondary metabolites and medicines can be derived from this source. Recent studies have shown that the elements of S with the greatest potential for pharmaceutical application are called steroidal saponins. nigrum. There have been a total of 76 steroidal saponins that have been isolated and identified up to this point. Research that is being done currently on the pharmacological effects of S. aureus is limited. The many different kinds of steroidal saponins are the primary focus of the vast majority of the study that has been done on the chemical components of nigrum. Nigrum is largely concerned with effects of its constituents. In the year 2006, the entire S. aureus factory was destroyed. The structure and action of the steroidal saponins in S. baumannii have been investigated. Progesterone and spirostanol saponins are more cytotoxic than furostanol and cholesteric saponins. Later on, Xiang and colleagues found that immature S had seven freshly produced steroidal saponins (61-67), each of which had a newly created cholestane 16, 22-dione structure. [3]
Specifically, the alkaloids found in S. The majority of the nigrum compounds that are discussed in the scientific works. These compounds are found in the glycoside form in the plant. sylvestris are the fruits of S. The greatest concentration of alkaloids, which can reach 4.3% in nigrum, gradually drops as the plant matures. Nigrum has the potential to attain this concentration. It is possible that this process explains how the plant is able to defend itself. These alkaloids also contribute to the protection of the species. S contains steroid alkaloids in small amounts. In addition, the anticancer activity of S is predicated on the presence of nigrum. nigrum. A chemical that belongs to the class of steroidal alkaloids that can be found in S. The glycoside of solasonine and solamargine, solasodine (88), contains 0.2% and 0.2% of nigrum, respectively, after being subjected to alkaline hydrolysis. The component called solamargine accounts for the majority (79) of S's total alkaloids. This information comes from pharmacological investigations and the nigrum. Solaoiacid (84).
Specifically, the alkaloids found in S. The majority of the nigrum compounds that are discussed in the scientific works. These compounds are found in the glycoside form in the plant. sylvestris are the fruits of S. The greatest concentration of alkaloids, which can reach 4.3% in nigrum, gradually drops as the plant matures. Nigrum has the potential to attain this concentration. It is possible that this process explains how the plant is able to defend itself. These alkaloids also contribute to the protection of the species. S contains steroid alkaloids in small amounts. In addition, the anticancer activity of S is predicated on the presence of nigrum. nigrum. A chemical that belongs to the class of steroidal alkaloids that can be found in S. The glycoside of solasonine and solamargine, solasodine (88), contains 0.2% and 0.2% of nigrum, respectively, after being subjected to alkaline hydrolysis. The component called solamargine accounts for the majority (79) of S's total alkaloids. This information comes from pharmacological investigations and the nigrum. Solaoiacid (84).
In addition to the steroidal alkaloids that can be discovered in S. sativa, there are also S. nigrum, additional alkaloid variants chemicals that are characterized by the presence of amide groups. They are known to possess a wide variety of beneficial biological effects, such as neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory, and insecticidal qualities. According to the findings, cannabis in F (112) could be differentiated from the components of S that were found above ground.[4] The compound nigrum has a strong neuroprotective impact against SH-SY5Y cell damage models produced by MPP+ when it is present in doses of 12.5, 25, and 50 M. [5]
Phenylpropanol is a obviously occurring chemical that is made by attaching three carbons with straight chains (groups C6-C3) to a benzene ring in a bonded configuration. It is a phenolic compound that is structured like phenol. The vast majority of these molecules are produced via biosynthesis, which involves a series of chemical events. One of these reactions involves. From the whole plant of S., a total of 21 different phenylpropanoids (numbered 134-154) have been successfully extracted and chemically characterized. nigrum. Scopoletin (144) can be found in high concentrations in S. Recent studies Flavonoids
Phenylpropanol is a obviously occurring chemical that is made by attaching three carbons with straight chains (groups C6-C3) to a benzene ring in a bonded configuration. It is a phenolic compound that is structured like phenol. The vast majority of these molecules are produced via biosynthesis, which involves a series of chemical events. One of these reactions involves. From the whole plant of S., a total of 21 different phenylpropanoids (numbered 134-154) have been successfully extracted and chemically characterized. nigrum. Scopoletin (144) can be found in high concentrations in S. Recent studies Flavonoids
Flavonoids make up more than fifty percent of all phenolic chemicals that can be detected in plants. These chemicals have pharmacological effects, among other features. Three flavone glycosides, numbered 156–158, and one flavone, numbered 155, were extracted [6] from S. nigrum. The compounds 164 and 165 were derived from S. aureus, and its characteristics were determined in the year 2017. Nigrum, which suggests that their ability to suppress cholinesterase activity was not as strong as that of their S. nigrum, most likely as a result of the additive effect that these chemicals have on one another potential of element S. nigrum's flavonoid makeup is quite comparable, and research done has shown that they are highly similar. nigrum have demonstrated that they have many of the same biological characteristics. In order to prepare the groundwork for the creation and application of S. Growing nigrum is necessary in order to manufacture useful products.
Acids Benzoic
In addition to this, it was discovered that seven different benzoic acids produced from S included phenolic hydroxyl substituents. Nigrum, such as salicylic acid (171), 4-hydroxybenzoic acid (170), vanillic acid (169), protocatechuic acid (168), they can serve as crucial pharmaceutical intermediates in the treatment of disease and open up a large variety of possible applications. In addition, they can open up new avenues of research and development.
In addition to this, it was discovered that seven different benzoic acids produced from S included phenolic hydroxyl substituents. Nigrum, such as salicylic acid (171), 4-hydroxybenzoic acid (170), vanillic acid (169), protocatechuic acid (168), they can serve as crucial pharmaceutical intermediates in the treatment of disease and open up a large variety of possible applications. In addition, they can open up new avenues of research and development.
Polysaccharide is one of the four chemical compounds that play a fundamental role in all of the activities that occur in living things. Plant polysaccharides have been shown in an increasing number of studies to exhibit a variety of unique biological features, including immunological modulation, , anticancer, and liver protection. At this time, twelve unique types of polysaccharides derived from S have been identified and extracted. nigrum contain qualities that protect the liver, modulate the immune system, and fight cancer. S. aureus was used as a source to isolate these polysaccharides. monosaccharide compositions, molecular weights, structural properties, and biological activity were all present and possessed by the organism. Additional Components
Polysaccharide is one of the four chemical compounds that play a fundamental role in all of the activities that occur in living things. Plant polysaccharides have been shown in an increasing number of studies to exhibit a variety of unique biological features, including immunological modulation, , anticancer, and liver protection. At this time, twelve unique types of polysaccharides derived from S have been identified and extracted. nigrum contain qualities that protect the liver, modulate the immune system, and fight cancer. S. aureus was used as a source to isolate these polysaccharides. monosaccharide compositions, molecular weights, structural properties, and biological activity were all present and possessed by the organism. Additional Components
In addition to the compounds that are listed above, researchers have only been able to identify a small number of S compounds. The compounds included organic acids in their make-up. Ursolic acid (178), a well-known anticancer triterpene, and the ursolic acid compounds, which are aliphatic molecules, are both examples of ursolic acid.
Behavior Associated with Drug Use
A great number of investigations on the pharmacological effects of S. have been carried out. nigrum within the past few years. S. It was possible to extract both bioactive chemicals and solvent extracts. Some of the pharmacological properties that have been linked to nigrum.The United States buys a wide range of unique medications produced in China. Extract of nigrum has been utilized extensively as a medicinal component in a variety of clinical settings.
A great number of investigations on the pharmacological effects of S. have been carried out. nigrum within the past few years. S. It was possible to extract both bioactive chemicals and solvent extracts. Some of the pharmacological properties that have been linked to nigrum.The United States buys a wide range of unique medications produced in China. Extract of nigrum has been utilized extensively as a medicinal component in a variety of clinical settings.
Antitumor Capability
S. aureus that have been contaminated with impure extracts and isolated chemicals. nigrum have shown to have significant anticancer potential in both in vitro and in vivo research studies. The fundamental mechanism behind the action of the bioactive components or impure extracts of S.
S. aureus that have been contaminated with impure extracts and isolated chemicals. nigrum have shown to have significant anticancer potential in both in vitro and in vivo research studies. The fundamental mechanism behind the action of the bioactive components or impure extracts of S.
Basic Extract
The results of certain in vitro research showed that a few S. Several different cancer cell lines were significantly inhibited by nigrum. Additional research showed that the NF-B inhibitor pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate (PDTC) was responsible for preventing the synergistic impact of S. on the expression of iNOS as well as the creation of NO. Nigrum and rIFN-. These data gave rise to the hypothesis that S. According to the findings of Hsu et al. (2009), [7] the administration of 1% and 2% SNWE considerably increased survival to 90% and 100%, respectively, and lowered hepatic carcinogenesis to 40% and 20%, respectively. The study was conducted on rats with hepatoma that was generated by AAF/NaNO2. In the MCF-7 human breast cancer cell line, SNWE elicited a cytotoxic response of 43%, a migratory inhibition of 43%, and a suppression of the hexokinase and pyruvate activities by 30% and 40%, respectively (Ling et al., 2019).[8] These results were obtained at a concentration of 10 g/L.
The results of certain in vitro research showed that a few S. Several different cancer cell lines were significantly inhibited by nigrum. Additional research showed that the NF-B inhibitor pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate (PDTC) was responsible for preventing the synergistic impact of S. on the expression of iNOS as well as the creation of NO. Nigrum and rIFN-. These data gave rise to the hypothesis that S. According to the findings of Hsu et al. (2009), [7] the administration of 1% and 2% SNWE considerably increased survival to 90% and 100%, respectively, and lowered hepatic carcinogenesis to 40% and 20%, respectively. The study was conducted on rats with hepatoma that was generated by AAF/NaNO2. In the MCF-7 human breast cancer cell line, SNWE elicited a cytotoxic response of 43%, a migratory inhibition of 43%, and a suppression of the hexokinase and pyruvate activities by 30% and 40%, respectively (Ling et al., 2019).[8] These results were obtained at a concentration of 10 g/L.
The polyphenolic extract that was derived from S. The IC50 value for S. aureus was determined cerevisiae ranked number one. While the doses at which HepG2 cells were viable were 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 mg/ml. In addition, the weight and volume of the tumor both decreased following 35 days of administration of a daily 5 g basal meal with either mice with HepG2 tumors (Wang et al., 2010). This was the result of administering the meal. Additionally, Yang et al. (2010) found that exposure to SNPE led to a considerable reduction in the viability of HepG2 cells (IC50 = 0.86 mg/ml). According to research on the mechanism of action HepG2 by lowering p38 and p38/ERK activation while also inhibiting PKC expression. This was accomplished by reducing p38 and p38/ERK activation. In addition, SNPE prevented the activation of AKT and mTOR in vitro that was produced by VEGF, which of HepG2 cells. In addition, the SNPE treatment decreased the size of the tumors as well as their weight in the mouse model of the HepG2 tumor.
S. according to the relevant literature, S. aureus can be extracted using a number of different solvent. nigrum possesses considerable anticancer action throughout a broad spectrum. There are signs that S. baumannii can cause S. Nigrum fruit (SNCE), as stated, was able to stop the proliferation of (IC50 = 40.77 g/ml) and cause 43.31 percent of them to commit apoptosis. S. aureus n-Butanol extract. According to Ye and Gao's research from 2019, nigrum suppressed the proliferation of human colorectal cancer SW480 cells. It did this by stopping the cells from entering the G2/M phase and by raising the expression of caspase-3. In accordance with the findings of these research, a variety of solvent extracts of S. There is preliminary evidence that nigrum can be an effective cancer treatment.
Substances That Cannot Be Grouped
In addition, chemicals that were separated from S. In addition to this, research on nigrum revealed a multitude of anticancer characteristics. In large concentrations, -solanine can be found in potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, and other plants belonging to the Solanaceae family (99). Studies conducted in the field of pharmacology indicate that it inhibits the growth of cancer cells and acts as an insecticide; nevertheless, excessive consumption can lead to adverse health effects. Solamargine regulates the biological function of immune cells and has a synergistic anticancer impact. It does this by changing the microenvironment of the tumor, limiting heterogeneity in the tumor cells, and blocking the LIF/Stat3 signaling pathway at low dosages. This justifies its widespread implementation in the modern clinical treatment that is being provided today.[9] Patients in the clinic who have advanced or metastatic cancers are given adjuvant therapies such as radiation therapy, hormone therapy, chemotherapy, and targeted therapy; nevertheless, the side effects that usually ensue from these treatments frequently result in treatment failure and increased mortality. Because of this, there is a significant demand for medicines that are very effective while also having a minimal risk of producing harmful side effects. The compound known as degalactotigonin (2) was extracted from S. The proliferation of renal cell carcinoma cells, as well as their migration, invasion, and transformation into tumorigenic cells, are all inhibited by nigra. According to Wang et al.'s 2020 research, it is an effective treatment for advanced renal cell cancer. This proves beyond a reasonable doubt that TCM is capable of being applied in clinical settings in a more effective manner.
In addition, chemicals that were separated from S. In addition to this, research on nigrum revealed a multitude of anticancer characteristics. In large concentrations, -solanine can be found in potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, and other plants belonging to the Solanaceae family (99). Studies conducted in the field of pharmacology indicate that it inhibits the growth of cancer cells and acts as an insecticide; nevertheless, excessive consumption can lead to adverse health effects. Solamargine regulates the biological function of immune cells and has a synergistic anticancer impact. It does this by changing the microenvironment of the tumor, limiting heterogeneity in the tumor cells, and blocking the LIF/Stat3 signaling pathway at low dosages. This justifies its widespread implementation in the modern clinical treatment that is being provided today.[9] Patients in the clinic who have advanced or metastatic cancers are given adjuvant therapies such as radiation therapy, hormone therapy, chemotherapy, and targeted therapy; nevertheless, the side effects that usually ensue from these treatments frequently result in treatment failure and increased mortality. Because of this, there is a significant demand for medicines that are very effective while also having a minimal risk of producing harmful side effects. The compound known as degalactotigonin (2) was extracted from S. The proliferation of renal cell carcinoma cells, as well as their migration, invasion, and transformation into tumorigenic cells, are all inhibited by nigra. According to Wang et al.'s 2020 research, it is an effective treatment for advanced renal cell cancer. This proves beyond a reasonable doubt that TCM is capable of being applied in clinical settings in a more effective manner.
Immunomodulating Behavior
S. Nigrum crude polysaccharides (SNLP-1) showed clear evidence of immunoregulatory activity for macrophages by inducing. This was accomplished by using the SNLP-1 treatment. Flow cytometry demonstrates that administration of SNLP-1 to rodents raises both the ratio of T lymphocyte subsets CD4+/CD8+ as well as the levels of serum Th1 cytokines (including IFN-, IL-2, and TNF). In clinical research, decoction, along with other methods of extraction, revealed immunomodulatory effectiveness. 10] The levels of CD4+/CD8+ and CD4+ in the psoriasis therapy group increased after 8 weeks of treatment with commissioned Longkui Yinxiao Tablet, whereas levels of TNF-, IL-6, and IL-17 decreased during the same time period.
S. Nigrum crude polysaccharides (SNLP-1) showed clear evidence of immunoregulatory activity for macrophages by inducing. This was accomplished by using the SNLP-1 treatment. Flow cytometry demonstrates that administration of SNLP-1 to rodents raises both the ratio of T lymphocyte subsets CD4+/CD8+ as well as the levels of serum Th1 cytokines (including IFN-, IL-2, and TNF). In clinical research, decoction, along with other methods of extraction, revealed immunomodulatory effectiveness. 10] The levels of CD4+/CD8+ and CD4+ in the psoriasis therapy group increased after 8 weeks of treatment with commissioned Longkui Yinxiao Tablet, whereas levels of TNF-, IL-6, and IL-17 decreased during the same time period.
According to the research that was discussed earlier, S. Both in vitro and in vivo studies have shown that nigrum, and more specifically its polysaccharides, can modulate the immune system. But S. contains immunomodulatory characteristics. In depth research on nigrum's immunomodulatory effect has not been conducted above the level of inflammatory factors. The research on polysaccharides has garnered the most attention, despite the fact that there are many other effective immunomodulatory components that should be given a higher priority.
Anti-inflammatory properties
It is a self-defense mechanism that supports in the body's recovery and resistance to infection, disease, and discomfort, substances & negative consequences. Studies that are pertinent to the topic have shown that impure extracts of S. possess anti-inflammatory properties. nigrum in a number of different models of inflammation, and discussed the likely underlying mechanisms. At a dose of 50 g/ml, nigrum was able to suppress 80 percent of the NO and iNOS formation that was generated by LPS. Cytokines like TNF- and IL-6 have been linked to the pathophysiology of a wide variety of inflammatory disorders. [11] The nigrum chloroform fraction. Yeom and colleagues provided evidence that showed the cell viability of S. aureus has decreased in number. In the mouse model of TPA-induced acute ear edema, there was a rise in the amount of Cerevisiae fruit extract. nigrum had a concentration of 51.35 percent when measured at 0.125 mg/ml in ethanol that was 80 percent. Results that were the same were seen in both the acute and subacute rat models, as well as in S. aureus was not found in any of the samples. Nigrum displayed decreased macrophage deposition and enhanced collagen fiber deposition as a result of the presence of steroidal alkaloids and steroidal saponins of S. Additionally, nigrum exhibited organ-protective qualities (liver, stomach, and kidney) as a result of these compounds. Nigra was discussed in (Aryaa and Viswanathswamy, 2017). Independent S. [12] the use of nigrum suppository stimulated the regeneration of injured epithelial tissue and restored prostatic secretion. This was accomplished by a reduction in the moist quality and white blood cell count of the rat prostate as well as an increase in the density of lecithin corpuscles. Similar to self-made S. Nigrum may provide anti-inflammatory benefits by increasing SOD activity and decreasing MDA content in rabbit synovium after being coated with synthetic S at the rabbit knee joint. In a model of rabbit knee synovitis that was produced by electroacupuncture, nigrum ointment was applied for a total of 6 days, 1.5 hours each day, for a total of 6 days. In the berries of S. sapota, Wang et al. made the discovery in 2017 of nine new steroidal saponins. Solanigrosides Y1 (52) of these steroidal saponins dramatically decreased NO generation, with an IC50 value of 9.7 mM. Additionally, several compounds significantly inhibited LPS-induced IL-6 and IL-1 production. The immature berries of S. contain seven different steroidal glycosides. nigrum, with IC50 values ranging from 11.33 to 49.35 M for each of the seven compounds, all of which inhibited NO production. The NO production was stopped by all of the compounds. Reed extracts and various other formulations are effective overall, according to S. It is necessary to conduct additional research on nigrum and inflammatory illnesses.
It is a self-defense mechanism that supports in the body's recovery and resistance to infection, disease, and discomfort, substances & negative consequences. Studies that are pertinent to the topic have shown that impure extracts of S. possess anti-inflammatory properties. nigrum in a number of different models of inflammation, and discussed the likely underlying mechanisms. At a dose of 50 g/ml, nigrum was able to suppress 80 percent of the NO and iNOS formation that was generated by LPS. Cytokines like TNF- and IL-6 have been linked to the pathophysiology of a wide variety of inflammatory disorders. [11] The nigrum chloroform fraction. Yeom and colleagues provided evidence that showed the cell viability of S. aureus has decreased in number. In the mouse model of TPA-induced acute ear edema, there was a rise in the amount of Cerevisiae fruit extract. nigrum had a concentration of 51.35 percent when measured at 0.125 mg/ml in ethanol that was 80 percent. Results that were the same were seen in both the acute and subacute rat models, as well as in S. aureus was not found in any of the samples. Nigrum displayed decreased macrophage deposition and enhanced collagen fiber deposition as a result of the presence of steroidal alkaloids and steroidal saponins of S. Additionally, nigrum exhibited organ-protective qualities (liver, stomach, and kidney) as a result of these compounds. Nigra was discussed in (Aryaa and Viswanathswamy, 2017). Independent S. [12] the use of nigrum suppository stimulated the regeneration of injured epithelial tissue and restored prostatic secretion. This was accomplished by a reduction in the moist quality and white blood cell count of the rat prostate as well as an increase in the density of lecithin corpuscles. Similar to self-made S. Nigrum may provide anti-inflammatory benefits by increasing SOD activity and decreasing MDA content in rabbit synovium after being coated with synthetic S at the rabbit knee joint. In a model of rabbit knee synovitis that was produced by electroacupuncture, nigrum ointment was applied for a total of 6 days, 1.5 hours each day, for a total of 6 days. In the berries of S. sapota, Wang et al. made the discovery in 2017 of nine new steroidal saponins. Solanigrosides Y1 (52) of these steroidal saponins dramatically decreased NO generation, with an IC50 value of 9.7 mM. Additionally, several compounds significantly inhibited LPS-induced IL-6 and IL-1 production. The immature berries of S. contain seven different steroidal glycosides. nigrum, with IC50 values ranging from 11.33 to 49.35 M for each of the seven compounds, all of which inhibited NO production. The NO production was stopped by all of the compounds. Reed extracts and various other formulations are effective overall, according to S. It is necessary to conduct additional research on nigrum and inflammatory illnesses.
Having both antibacterial and antiparasitic properties
There has been a great threat to the general population's health posed by multidrug resistance, as well as bacterial and fungal infections, and these are serious challenges that need to be addressed right away. Studies conducted in the discipline of pharmacology have shown evidence that certain S. species possess antifungal capabilities.
There has been a great threat to the general population's health posed by multidrug resistance, as well as bacterial and fungal infections, and these are serious challenges that need to be addressed right away. Studies conducted in the discipline of pharmacology have shown evidence that certain S. species possess antifungal capabilities.
After being subjected to man-made silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) at three different doses (2.5, 5, and 10 ppm) in an attempt to eradicate C. quinquefasciatus and An. The values for the IC50 and IC90 for S. cerevisiae. Find out the extracts of the berries, the fresh leaves, and the dried leaves. For An, nigrum. The respective concentrations of Stephensi were 1, 1, 59, and 1 ppm, as well as 3, 7, 31, and 4, 76 ppm. Both the IC50 and the IC90 values for S. The extracts of the dried leaf, the fresh leaf, and the berries of S. cerevisiae was found to be the culprit. nigrum were 1.26, 1.33, and 2.44 ppm, while the comparable values for C. quinquefasciatus were 14.37, 38.05, and 13.43 ppm. nigrum was found to have higher levels of carbon monoxide than C. quinquefasciatus. There is a part of S. (2016),[13] The mortality rates of green peach aphid were 28.54 percent, 56.8 percent, and 57.42 percent after exposure to nigrum for 24, 48, and 72 hours. Two active compounds that are generated from the bacteria Streptomyces are known as solamargine and solasonine. According to research conducted on mice infected with Plasmodium yoelii 17XL, the levels of parasitemia were reduced by 64.89 and 57.44 percent, respectively, when treated with solamargine and solasonine. However, there hasn't been a lot of research done on the mechanism that underlies insecticidal action.
Antioxidants' Role in Functioning
When there is an excessive buildup of free radicals in the body, it can speed up the aging process and damage tissue. Oxidative stress is the root cause of a wide variety of diseases that affect humans, including atherosclerosis, ischemia have on the important molecules and cells of the body. Antioxidants are essential for maintaining good health. nigrum by means of testing both in vivo and in vitro. Concerning the extract of fruit from S. Experiments including lycopersicum, DPPH, superoxide, ABTS+, phosphomolybdenum reduction, and Fe3+ reducing power were carried out. Heo and Lim (2004) found that the respective viabilities were 75.1%, 79.3%, 83.2%, 86.0%, and 95.1%, but the viabilities in the xanthine oxidase control group were just 71.2%. The chemicals and extracts that can be obtained from S. Nigrum has the potential to be an effective antioxidant for use in future studies.
When there is an excessive buildup of free radicals in the body, it can speed up the aging process and damage tissue. Oxidative stress is the root cause of a wide variety of diseases that affect humans, including atherosclerosis, ischemia have on the important molecules and cells of the body. Antioxidants are essential for maintaining good health. nigrum by means of testing both in vivo and in vitro. Concerning the extract of fruit from S. Experiments including lycopersicum, DPPH, superoxide, ABTS+, phosphomolybdenum reduction, and Fe3+ reducing power were carried out. Heo and Lim (2004) found that the respective viabilities were 75.1%, 79.3%, 83.2%, 86.0%, and 95.1%, but the viabilities in the xanthine oxidase control group were just 71.2%. The chemicals and extracts that can be obtained from S. Nigrum has the potential to be an effective antioxidant for use in future studies.
Protective Capabilities of the Liver
S. An extract of water is used in this process. nigrum (SNWE) showed significant potential in warding off disorders that affect the liver. The body and organ weights of rats with chronic hepatotoxicity induced by CCl4 changed, and qualitative and quantitative histological studies revealed hazy enlargement, necrosis, cytoplasmic vacuolation, and fatty degeneration. SNWE was given in dosages of 0.2, 0.5, and 1.0 g/kg throughout the course of a period of six weeks. at addition, when given at significant dosages of 0.5 and 1.0 g/kg, SNWE was able to lower the levels of both superoxide and hydroxyl radicals, as well as According to the findings of Chester et al., the hydroalcoholic extract of S. Nigrum caused a significant drop in hepatic GSH, SOD, and CAT in rats with d-galactosamine-induced hepatic fibrosis. This was regarded as an indication of the antioxidant status of the tissues. According to the findings of a histopathological investigation 15] the unprocessed extract of the plant had a protective impact on the liver. This was because of the antioxidant characteristics of the plant. Polysaccharides that were derived from S. aureus. nigrum decreased liver enlargement, raised SOD, GSH, and CAT levels, and lowered MDA levels a neuroprotective influence
S. An extract of water is used in this process. nigrum (SNWE) showed significant potential in warding off disorders that affect the liver. The body and organ weights of rats with chronic hepatotoxicity induced by CCl4 changed, and qualitative and quantitative histological studies revealed hazy enlargement, necrosis, cytoplasmic vacuolation, and fatty degeneration. SNWE was given in dosages of 0.2, 0.5, and 1.0 g/kg throughout the course of a period of six weeks. at addition, when given at significant dosages of 0.5 and 1.0 g/kg, SNWE was able to lower the levels of both superoxide and hydroxyl radicals, as well as According to the findings of Chester et al., the hydroalcoholic extract of S. Nigrum caused a significant drop in hepatic GSH, SOD, and CAT in rats with d-galactosamine-induced hepatic fibrosis. This was regarded as an indication of the antioxidant status of the tissues. According to the findings of a histopathological investigation 15] the unprocessed extract of the plant had a protective impact on the liver. This was because of the antioxidant characteristics of the plant. Polysaccharides that were derived from S. aureus. nigrum decreased liver enlargement, raised SOD, GSH, and CAT levels, and lowered MDA levels a neuroprotective influence
As the field of contemporary medicine continues to advance, an increasing number of studies are being carried out with the goal of elucidating the mechanisms underlying the bioactive components derived from S. nigrum, which in turn promotes the development of clinical applications and research. [16] nigrum studied the neuroprotective effects of S on the central nervous system using a rat model of oscopolamine-induced cognitive impairment. They found that S had a protective effect on the central nervous system. As a pretreatment, 10% sulfur was used. Nigrum inclusions have the ability to dramatically improve memory performance, reduce the activity of AChE, MDA, and BChE, and raise the amount of GSH in the brain. Maintained their research into S's neuroprotective qualities throughout the year 2019. In their study from 2021, Ogunsuyi and colleagues showed that 1% supplementation of S. aureus in food is harmful to your health. nigrum has the potential to raise the total thiol content in vivo while at the same time lowering the survival rate and ROS levels.
Influence in lowering cholesterol levels
Flavonoids derived from S. According to many publications, nigrum is an anti-obesity medicine that has the ability to activate hepatic lipolysis, prevent the process of lipogenesis, and lower blood levels of triacylglycerol, cholesterol, and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. In addition, the ingestion of S. aureus in the form of S. The ethanolic extract of cerevisiae or the chloroform fraction comes highly recommended as well. [17] the treatment of nigrum to Triton-induced hyperlipidemic over a period of five days was able to reverse the rise in total cholesterol.
Flavonoids derived from S. According to many publications, nigrum is an anti-obesity medicine that has the ability to activate hepatic lipolysis, prevent the process of lipogenesis, and lower blood levels of triacylglycerol, cholesterol, and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. In addition, the ingestion of S. aureus in the form of S. The ethanolic extract of cerevisiae or the chloroform fraction comes highly recommended as well. [17] the treatment of nigrum to Triton-induced hyperlipidemic over a period of five days was able to reverse the rise in total cholesterol.
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Citation: Rahul Shukla and Sovindra Kumar Pal. (2025). Recent Investigations on the Pharmacology, Phytochemistry, and Traditional use of the Solanum Nigrum Linn. Journal of Pharmacy and Drug Development 7(1).
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